A few updates for those that care:
I don't work at TILT any longer. I now work at a Marathon Gas Station. Its an awesome job.
Despite the world's economic downfall, I managed to pay off my debts and have stopped all incoming collection calls.
I got back into WoW for awhile, go to 80, raided a bunch, and then stopped playing again, lol.
Been playing a lot of old PSX games lately. I had a lot of fun on a three week long nostalgia trip.
Been talking to a few people I haven't spoken to in at least five years. And also being happy they didn't turn out to be idiots when they grew up. Its refreshing.
Saw Crank 2, the single most ridiculous movie ever. Jesus Christ.
Cut my hair today
Life is pretty good for now. Looking forward to Metrocon, though I have no idea where I'm going to sleep. Worst case scenario, I burn a LOT of gas driving back and forth every night. :O
Hope everyone else is doing well, too. <3
--The Once and Future Nick