Part 2

Nov 30, 2012 23:57

Title: Comeback
Genre: Mellow
Rating: PG
Summary: Second part of three (or maybe more) detailing how they get together after their segment onWe Got Married ended.

This has got to be my worse piece so far. I've written and re-written this part over and over again, but argh. It's just not working out. I'm more hyped up for the third and what I think is the final part in my fic. You guys be the judge.

I did not do anything fancy, and although I'm really, really particular about grammar, my mood was spoilt by my inabilty to write so please excuse any poor mistakes ):

13/03/2011, Last day of filming

They were heading back to his car now, hands tightly intertwined together. In one hand, he held the book she had carefully made for him tightly, and in the other, he held her hand, equally as tightly.

The end was coming.

He stole a glance at her, and noticed she was staring at him too. He clasped her hand even tighter and opened his mouth, meaning to say something. But he ended up simply shaking her hand a few times, as if to emphasize how hard it was for him to say anything.

They made small talk. He did not dare to probe any further, did not dare to make silly jokes or say anything too emotional, for fear of making her upset. She was tightly wound up, her eyes were glassy, and she looked like she would unravel if a single wrong word was uttered.

I will always treasure this book, he had whispered. It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten.

That had caused her lips to start trembling. He was afraid of making her cry, not on their last day of filming. He wanted her to be happy. It wasn’t the end of their relationship - not if he had a say in it.

They collected her gifts from the car and slowly walked back to her apartment, his heart getting heavier with each step. For one, he was anxious to get the show over with, so he could settle the score and ask her out without having her think it was for the show. But on the other hand, he could not bear the thought that now they would not have much time together, for filming had been the only real time they had for each other.

She stood inside her apartment lobby, her eyes searching his anxiously as he stood outside. He smiled and managed to choke out, “Thank you. Really,”

Her expression was torn. He could tell she was really torn up inside. She looked like she wanted to say something more, but she could only manage a tiny sigh.

“I can’t leave,” she said, her lips trembling. “I can’t,”

He steeled himself against his urge to just run back in and hug her. He had to keep reminding himself of the camera crew and the twenty pairs of eyes watching his every move right now. And so against his own wishes, he shook his head.

“Go, I’ll be fine,” He paused, unable to control himself. “Quickly,” Before I run to you and do something I might regret.

She stood there, biting her lips. She looked troubled, and tired, but most of all, upset. He shook his head and mouthed to her, it will be okay. I promise.

She shook her head, and started moving out towards him. Before his mind had any time to register what was going on, she had thrown her arms around him.

Wet. He could feel tears sliding down her face, could hear her soft muffled sobs as he too threw his arms around her.

Oppa. I will miss you, she whispered haltingly, her sobs wracking through her body in slight shakes. I will miss you so very much.

He did not trust himself to speak right then - his words were caught in his throat. He wanted to tell her that it wasn’t the end of them, that if possible, he never wanted an end for them. But he couldn’t speak - he dared not upset her even more.

She let go of him, averting his worried eyes, and started running inside the building.

He stood, frozen, just staring at her retreating back, unable to do anything, except wish and wish he could have spared her from this.

“I guess that’s a wrap,” The PD called out after a while, his voice strained. “Cameras off, everyone. Yonghwa, hand in your microphone,”

He ignored the PD. He continued staring at the empty space. He was filled with an incredibly deep sense of loss at her demise. Had there been no one there, he would have ran after her, held her tight, and make sure to not let go of her.

The staff approached him uneasily, and he snapped back to reality. Slowly, he removed the microphone and the equipment, his eyes fixed on the entrance. She had to return her microphone too. Surely, surely. Then he would see her. He would say sorry. He would try to steal a few more moments with her.

But he waited in vain.

Sooyoung came out a little later, holding the microphone. He rushed to her immediately, but she shook her head, no, and edged away.

“So sorry,” she murmured to the staff as he handed the things over. “She’s having a bit of a moment right now,”

“Is she crying?” He couldn’t help himself, the words just escaped his lips. The staff turned to look at him, as did Sooyoung. Her gaze was fixed on him, they were full of pity and regret. Of sadness. She gave him a sad smile and shook her head slightly.

“Thank you for taking good care of Juhyun all this time,” She said, turning to go.

“The letter,” His voice was caught in his throat, as he ran to Sooyoung, his heart thumping hard. “Please make sure she reads it, and understands that I wrote it with all my heart. Just for her. Please,”

She turned to him, her eyes burning holes into his very soul. And then she bent down, whispering so that only he could hear her.

“Be ready,”

Then she was walking away from him, faster and further, disappearing into the building, until all he could see was the bright light of the elevator, indicating someone had entered and gone up the building, already out of his reach.

fanfic; yongseo

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