Part 1

Nov 25, 2012 01:21

Title: Comeback
Genre: Mellow
Rating: PG
Summary: First part of three (or maybe more) detailing how they get together after their segment on We Got Married ended.

First time writing in about two years. I'm really rusty, but please do bear with me. I promise I'll keep it short, sweet and pleasant to read (:

13/03/2011, Last day of filming

She looked at him, her eyes dancing as she said, “Now, I’m going to play you a song,”

A song? He thought, slightly amused. But hadn’t she just said she didn’t practice at all?

She smiled. “Listen to the lyrics, please,” She said. And then she began to strum.

The beat was slower than the original, but they were familiar. His mouth opened, his eyes widened in surprise. So she HAD been practicing. An uncontrollable smile spread across his face - it was so like her to surprise him. She did very few events, compared to the other wives, but she always prepared events that were meaningful, to both of them. The thought of her using up her precious resting periods to practice the guitar was enough to render him speechless.

She began to sing.

The first day we met

I still remember that awkward feeling

That first day was awkward, he recalled. That first day, he had wrapped up filming feeling very off and awkward. She had been so… different. So unlike any other girl. He had been scared that he wouldn’t be able to talk to her at all.

What words should I say

And how I should reply

I really worried a lot

Her choice of words were perfect, he thought dimly, his eyes focused on her fingers. He really did worry a lot about what to say that night. And not just for the first filming session. For the consequent ones too. It took him a long, long time to finally feel like she wasn’t too awkward around him.

But a day passed

Then a month

And now a whole year

A whole year. It had been more than a year since they started, and he had never realized it. True, they weren’t a real couple, and yes, they didn’t spend more than a few hours each month for each filming session. But those few hours had been magical to him. And, he liked to think, that they had been magical for her too.

I won’t be able to forget those precious memories

And I have a final thing I want to say

Precious memories. Yes, they were precious memories. To both him and her. But what he held more closely to his heart were the little moments that the camera could not capture. The ones where she’d text him, telling him to take care of himself. Or the ones when he’d call her, and they’d end up talking for half and hour. Or the ones when they’d walk to the nearest coffee shop after filming ended while they waited for their cars to come. Those were real treasures to him.

We will be able to speak banmal

Even though it’s a bit awkward and unnatural

He gazed at her openly now, almost forgetting the presence of the 30 or so other people in the room. She had never, ever looked so pretty before. There was something about her, reaching out to touch him using a guitar and her own lyrics, that just made her blossom out even more, made her even more beautiful in his eyes. Her sincerity struck him.

Instead of ‘thank you’ (formal)

Should I say it a bit more casually?

He had a lot to thank her for, he realized. She had completely opened up his heart and mind. She had made him change a lot, made him want to be a better person. Because of her, he had managed to grow more, both as a person and a singer. He owed her, and if anyone should be saying thank you, it was him.

We will be able to speak Banmal

As I draw closer to you

His heart skipped a beat at that. As I draw closer to you? He could only hope she would continue to do so, even after they ended their filming.

Now I will look straight into your eyes

And say it

He couldn’t help himself, he closed his eyes briefly and smiled. He knew what the last part would be, he knew the lyrics by heart because when he wrote it, he had meant every single word he penned.

Did she? Did she know he truly meant them? Did she really mean every single word she had sung?

I love you

She lifted her head briefly, to look directly into his eyes at those words, and he just froze. But it was a moment, to brief to do anything, except register that fact, and then she had bent her head again.

I love you.

fanfic; yongseo

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