Rush rush rush!

Nov 12, 2007 19:55
There are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.
How many have your name?

This disturbs me... D: I thought I was special! D'x -goes to emo in the corner-

In the year 2008 I resolve to:
Invade a small county.

Get your resolution here.

Kekekeke... >3> I mean, yeah...I'd NEVER do that.

Wow, a suicidal pyromaniac emo-hamster, huh? That's a new one Karu. xD J00 so cute and fluffah, and on fire so you're xD

SU MAMA! DX< And yes, bad fanfiction is the worst thing of allll time, -blink- I LIKE that space-time continuum!! :D

Well, at least I've got a cahnce at surviving...even if Karu is using a deadly ficus... o_o

I thought Lassie was Fury? -snrks and gets hit with brick- @w@ Yay for being Snape's favourtie student AND for becoming Minister of Magic. :3 I feels specials.


Okay, in other's just a few days away from the con and I think I'm getting sick. xD;; Though I'm wanting to point blame at something ELSE enitrely, which would suck if I'm right... >_o Oh dear sweet Jenova, please don't let it be truuue! -whines and collapses to the floor-

Good news, I'm all packed and ready to go, I hope....if I went off and forgot somethnig now I think I'd kick myself. >_>

I'll probably write more a little later, sorry for the quiz was all good fun though. xD
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