Sep 22, 2020 19:49
Mmm... How do I start this... LJ is like time capsule on feelings and memories..
I read my past open, locked and hidden posts... I get teleported back in time.. but once I close it, I am back at square one.. slightly numb..
I think JE has always been a big part of my life.. since I was 8 or 10 years old.. I belong to the old J-Wave era that has come and gone.
I have to confess, I cannot find joy in Johnny's anymore to be honest.
I see a Johnny's on my feed, I go.. ok.
I do find pockets of happy moments where I fangirl.. but it doesn't last very long..
It's starting to be hard to call myself a Johnny's fan because I know it is no longer true.
It upsets me a great deal, it is like my entire childhood & youth died inside me.
I am still a NEWS fan, that is all I know.
Recently, my health isn't good either.
2020 really sucks right?
I came back on LJ today because I was wondering if I should keep my old username.
Maybe its time for me to leave this LJ behind?
I have not decided yet but for now I know that I will still translate for NEWS when I can.