I've Been Tagged!

Feb 03, 2008 17:05

Wouldn't want to disappoint Redd, so I might as well. She's right, too. Things like this do make you think, even when you expect them to be easy.

List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it" OR ELSE YOU FAIL

1. My heart's on the wrong side of my body. (I know I've said that before, but it's such a neat quark!)
2. I used to tear my fingernails off very short, but now I grow them as long as I can and sharpen them into points.
3. Instead of jogging, I tend to canter. It's more reflex than choice now.
4. I also bob and toss my head like a horse (when I'm not acting draconic, anyway.)
5. I hate wearing shoes. I wish I could go barefoot everywhere.
6. I just got totally sidetracked from this post and watched youtube videos for a quarter of an hour. (hey, that counts as a fact)
7. I'm antisocial. Seriously, I didn't realize this was true until recently, but I'd almost always rather spend time alone than hanging out with people. The only exception is with people I've known forever.

There. I've ignored being tagged before. I was good this time.
I tag Marcus.

Now I shall go back to the other distractions I was using to keep me from playing so much Shadow that my eyes bleed. (Last night I played hard mode from start to finish... in one sitting. 8 hours of non-stop gaming. That was baaaddd... But now only the hard Time Attacks stand between me and my "companion".)

internet junk

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