Since I've been getting quite a few messages about this fic I thought I should make an official-like announcement. Due to my co-writer dropping out of the QaF fandom, the "It's Only Time" final part of the "Kondo" series will not be completed. I do not have copies of her chapters of 2 and 4, which were the last ones written. If anyone has them and would like to send them to me I'll post them so people have access. I also do not have any copies of her other fics. If anyone knows where people can find them online, please reply to this post so people know.
I will continue to write some for QaF as well as other fandoms, so if you enjoy my writing please watch my LJ or check back frequently. You can access all of my old fics, including the entire "Kondo" series up to "It's Only Time"
at my website. I do update the site every few months, but more current fics can be found by clicking on
my fic tag. I know it's frustrating when a fic you enjoy gets canceled, and I really appreciate that people enjoy my writing enough to follow up. Thanks for reading, as always.