八乙女光 and 京本大我 Birthday Post...!

Dec 03, 2015 00:00

It's 00:00, the end of Dec 2 and early of Dec 3!

you both my most beloved cute little things from my beloved groups ever>,,<
hav a great great years ahead and good luck for ur lyf<3

Due to reallife that is getting busier, all i can do to celebrate is posting here huhu usually i'll buy cakes to celebrate and eat it by myself or sharing something worth to read like trnslation and such x"D Well atleast i do remember bout their precious day and do something by this post ;;D
Hmm... mybe i'll just share their pics here? don't hav idea what to do actually hahaha


lil hikka with jin><                                         your hen kao is my fav><


The fact is, i have 2 bias who born in December and good in drawing, they're also having a spicy mouth/? yet amusing when they talk XD It's been almost 5years i'm being Hikka's fan and almost 3years being Iga's fan, so on i follow their development in drawing.. Look! seems like taiga is going to surpass Hikka? ;;D

Hikaru's Elephant                            Taiga's elephant (and Hoku's tho)

but look he's much developed :D

Hikka's horse                                                   Taiga's failed horse xD

Hikka's gorgeous giraffe                                        Taiga's evil giraffe xD


Hikka's lion                                                                  Taiga's dog

They also hav made their own original character xD I can say they're creative ^^

Hikka's Original Character for JUMP Members

Taiga's original character "Kami" (still can't accept it as stones' logo, sorry)

i'm still waiting they can befriends more closer than just senpai-kouhai relationship, or Hikaru can be taiga's drawing-sensei lololol i must be the most happy person in the world if it's really happened x"""D
Maa, i guess that's all i can do rite now, it's really not worth to read by anyone but for me this post is important lol

last pic of them (it's really hard to find their pics in one frame T^T)

I love Hikka and Taiga to the bones <33333

je: kyomoto taiga, ichiban, je: hey! say! jump

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