(no subject)

Feb 27, 2015 18:35

Here's the email I sent out to the family concerning this week:

Just a rundown of what’s happened this week…

No, Sarah’s not home. I’m not forcing the issue. She’s the kind of person who HAS to experience things first-hand, and that’s not necessarily bad. She’s safe, eating, and still going to work. We’ve seen her on flying visits to retrieve something, and gotten the random text. I’m trying to keep loose tabs on her, but not crowd her too much. She needs this space and time away, as much as we do. I appreciate your support in this decision.

Rachael’s much the same, working, going out with friends now and then.

Kenneth’s big news is he starts school formally on Monday. The delay is because the school didn’t realize he needed to re-register because it had been so long since he’d attended school. We took care of that Thursday morning, and since most of his instructors would have been substitutes today (Friday), we decided Monday would be better. He’s excited and a bit nervous, but the school staff seems (*knocks on wood*) to be willing to support him in reintegrating with his peers. I’m trying to get him opted out of taking any of the state’s standardized testing, but I’m meeting some resistance from the district. I have a wonderful friend helping me with that issue; she’s had to do the same for her own son who goes to Millard West.

Jay and I are taking the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course through Brookside Church (Sarah goes there with her boyfriend, Darin). Jay’s excited and anxious to get started, I’m a bit more hesitant. While I agree in principle, the practice part has me a bit…I don’t know. We need to come to an agreement on how much austerity each of us is willing to tolerate in order to pay off our debt.

Our couple’s counseling is going well, despite how rocky last weekend was. I’m looking at it as more miscommunication than any real animosity, and we’re slowly and carefully working our way through it. Neither of us realized how poorly we truly communicate - and it’s not just passing messages. Christina (our counselor through the Methodist community program) has been wonderful and patient.

Medically, we’re going through the yearly process of exams and tests and such. My appointment today resulted in a measles booster (better safe than sorry and easier than doing a test, waiting for it to come back and needing the shot anyway) and a prescription for Concerta, the same medication Kenneth is taking. I’m dealing with a severe lack of focus and ambition and high distractibility. I’ve always dealt with this (remember me getting into all that trouble in school?), so we’re working on the hypothesis that I’ve got the inattentive version of ADD - which is more common in girls than the ADHD that Kenneth has. While ADHD isn’t strictly genetic, it does tend to run in families. If the Concerta works, it might help the depression as well, and I might be able to lower my dose of antidepressants, and I might be able to go off the anti-anxiety med as well. Physically (and this is going back a month or two), I have bursitis in my left hip, and got a cortisone shot in it to try to help the pain. I’m suspecting my desk chair contributes to it, since I was ok (mostly) when I was downstairs on the sofa with my computer, and am now suffering again now that I’m upstairs in my “office” again. Anyway. Advil and heat helps with that, and I found a cool cedar (?) walking stick with a copper knob on top to use when I’m really hurting. I also have Hallux rigidus in my right big toe. Isn’t that what Grandma had? “Degenerative arthritis and stiffness due to bone spurs that affects the MTP joint at the base of the hallux (big toe) is called hallux rigidus or stiff big toe.” (Wikipedia) There’s not much that can be done except going in and grinding the spurs off. Dr. Keiser says mine is as bad a case as he’s seen. Right now it’s not that bothersome; I just need to keep in mind that I can’t “pop” that toe anymore. I can’t wear shoes that bind my toes, which isn’t that much of an issue, honestly.

Jay’s going in for a Parkinson’s checkup next week. I’ll update you then.
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