Konnichiha minnasan...kyou ha totemo kirei na hi desu yo. Watashino conpuuta ha, nihongo no type/font ga nai :( Install wo dekinai....CD ga nai...ZENBU GA NAI GYYYAAaaa!!!~
I am almost sitting on my cat. Anywho.
So. Second semester started up. I got my classes...even my math that I had to petition for. *phew* Everyone who was petitioning got in, so I didn't have the nervous "omg are they going to pick my # out of the hat??" moment. I have English & Philosophy on MON/WED plus Japanese & Math on TUES/THURS. Fridays off yay! Here is a short overview of the classes...
Philosophy - Teacher is old fashioned. His movie references don't really go past the 60's-80's...but it's okay. He explains them well enough. He does his lecture pretty well, and gives you lots to think about. He has all his papers printed out, and references them often to make sure he is covering everything thuroughly. It should be fun...I'm only going to have a couple of papers to write in there.
English - Ah yes..I love the teacher. She has a "Miss Zieg" feel...but nicer somehow. More laid back. She is kind of a hippy, definitely liberal, definitely sharp. On the first day, she made the class sound impossible...but I was looking over the syllabus and I realized it is really going to be just like my first english class. Except these people actually WANT to be here. It is science based, not scifi unfortunately, but the books we have assigned seem like they'll be interesting. Half the class was scared out by the second day. Awesome. Its a smallish class, and we are going to have a few debates. She said this is the only class she ever taught where a student threw a chair at another student :D! She said we'd basically all hate eachother by the end. (differing views and oppinions on controversial things. you know. that good stuff)
Japanese - Strict. Japanese style strict. More than sensei. We all had to write down how much experience we had in japanese, and I (foolishly -_-) wrote 4 years of highschool. She called my name, and a few other kids names while looking over the papers to se her after class. When I got up there, she basically said I couldn't take the class (because it is technically a lv.1 class). I insisted that my counselor said I could...but she said "it wasn' t for me". JOHN CHUNG on the other hand, was smart, and just wrote 'highschool' on his paper. When she questioned him, he lied and said 'oh..about 2 years...cough..' >
Math - ...it's math. I had to retake the same math because I got the flu and had to drop out of the wintersession thing that I was busting my ass for. The OCC online crap isn't working right, and it isn't letting me register for the class...which means I can't print out HOMEWORK..gee I might need that stuff. So i just have to get it from someone, or...i dont know?....
KAY Since I didn't have to do math homework tonight..I just did japanese (which went swimmingly) and I decided I needed a new bookbag. So I made one. I have two classes everyday, and I need my books..so. here we go!
Kay I like this side of the bag...the little brown corner part was actually cause I realized I cut the pocket square out of what was going to be my linging....so i just patched it up :p It looks cute though I think. The pocket it just on the outside, and each side of the bag is slightly different, but they have similar elements so it still ties together.
There is a divider/pocket on the inside, but it is hard to see.
My school supplies...I needed erasers for Japanese, because anytime we mess up a character we have to erase it completely, then rewrite it perfectly. The little mouse is a ceramic bell that I bought at the Japanese Super Market near OCC