I am really looking forward of his episode of Shounen Club Premium. That guy is really honest so we should be hearing facts this time, not sugar-coated, honey-dipped white lies. ^^
So, I’ve watched the Shounen Club Premium featuring Ryo. And I got what I’ve wanted; bittersweet facts instead of some sugar-coated, honey-dipped white lies.
He talked about him joining the company; merely because he was told that he looked like Tackey. He applied with a friend of his and received a reply after almost a year, when he was already forgotten about the application. He went to the audition when they were told to draw a picture and talked about something funny about it since to Johnny Osaka =funny. He didn’t know any funny tale but he was good in drawing so he was complimented for it.
His first job was to stand behind Tackey, wearing white shirt. He was called to Tokyo within the year he joined, which was considered as a rare opportunity for a Kansai Jr. I like it when Taichi asked him, “Who did you back dance for?” and Ryo answered, “No, I was given the microphone to sing.” Taichi was so shocked! LOL.
As usual they showed some clips of Ryo but unlike the others, they didn’t show any clip of Ryo back-dancing for anyone, probably because they couldn’t find any. LOL. First clip was when he helped Tackey and Yokoyama in a segment of Music Jump; he was reading a letter or something but we only got to hear the beginning since he forgot about the microphone. Ryo’s fails are always so funny, right? LOL. Not to mention he was short that he didn’t even reach Tackey’s and Yoko’s shoulder. The second clip was him singing ABC with B.I.G. (Yamapi, Kazama and Toma), followed by the clip of him singing BEN, which made Taichi said, “They (the songs) are all Jackson, Jackson…You were singing Jackson 5?” He even said “So adorable!” when Ryo got the close up at the end of BEN. Next, they showed the performance of Secret Agent Man. Ryo’s own comment was, “I was full of myself! What’s this?!” That was you, Ryo! ^V^ Clip of Ryo singing TOKIO’s Julia before they showed the most embarrassing interesting part; Ryo’s scene in Teru Teru Kazoku. Ryo was already saying, “Surely we’ve seen enough…?” when the scene of Angel-Ryo singing Love Me Tender was shown. Anyone, just anyone, would have said his reaction was adorable; he practically covered his face in embarrassment. Well, I would do that too if I were in his shoes.
My other favourite part would be the part when he talked about his lack of rivalry with Tokyo Jr.; how he practiced the dialect and accent alone and thought that loving Osaka too much like his seniors are embarrassing. He even chose to hang out with Yamapi and Toma instead of Yasuda and Maruyama just because he was embarrassed by their habit of talking in Kansai dialect loudly. When he said that, my thought was, “Won’t he be hated by the Eito for saying this?” And my friend said the same thing when I told her, “What an ungrateful guy…” she said.
But it pained me to see Ryo struggling to answer Taichi’s questions about being in two groups. Seriously, just make a white lie! I bet most Johnny guys will give craps like “I enjoy being in two groups. It is such a rare opportunity so I would like to do my best, bla, bla…” but he pondered so long before answering it, making me biting my nails in anxiety of what answer will he give. Talk about being too honest…
Another thing I am upset with is the fact that Ryo is not allowed to mention Uchi at all. It would nice if they let Uchi to do the message VTR thing instead of Nino. I like Nino and all but his comments are so random! Half of his comments is not really about Ryo. At least let Yamapi, or any of the Eito who has worked with Ryo more than doing a drama together! The way Nino calls Ryo ‘Nishiki’ is adorable, though.
And it seems that Ryo has begun to learn piano. Well, I gave up learning piano after a lesson, thanks to that teacher but I think men who can play piano are wonderful. Like…they have some…elite feeling. Look at Inoo and you will know. Wow, it rhymes! XD
Still, it is the best Shounen Club Premium I ever watched yet. I will be quoting Taichi, “I feel like you spoke very honestly.” Yes, he did, Taichi! ><
Some pictures to end the post. ^^
16-year-old Ryo singing Paraiso with Jimmy. I hope he will cut his hair this short again! >/////<
Yamapi was watching Massu intently. Wonder if he ever thought that kid would be his bandmate... xD