So I've been having an amazing amount of fun in flash this past two weeks. i can't believe it. the animation camps i've taken (with 12-16 year have been amazingly fun. It just makes me want to be an animation artist all that much more.
If I find a way i'll try to post some of my elemintary stuff here. :)
I burnt the top of my mouth on a chicken strip and now it hurts whenever I eat anything. I hate when i get blisters on the top of my mouth, only in one spot too. :( (I like my food really hot.) But this one was really bad, cause it's never hurt like this. :(
Apparently the pizza oven Brian threw and broke in his stupid drunkenness will possibly cost him 500$$$. He was actually suppose to fix it. Stupid drunk
I went to Sackville last night to Tim's with Brian. We drove threw downtown. OMgosh. I can't believe it. It's like a big crator. All those buildings gone. It's almost like half of Sackville is gone. i hope they rebuild soon. I'm just glad no one got hurt.
Everyone rememebr Joel Dickie? Apperantly I heard today that Wade Tower's son Josh (i had no idea he had a son.) Decided to take a baseball bat to Joel. Now I know that kid (joel) is trouble and such, but I don't think that Josh should have done that. i guess Joel is in the hospital, I hope he's ok.
I know my mom had mentioned earlier that he was back cause he was on the run cause he stole money from drug dealers I guess. Argh, Joel grow up!
These are some characters I came up with. i rather like the style I did them in. Hope you all like them. :)
This one is something I'm working on and I hope turns out good. I hate drawing other people cause I'm always afraid i'll offend someone or i'll draw them and not have them turn out looking like the actual person.
PS- that's his
Have fun kids and play safe,
Love and hugs,