Apr 06, 2011 07:11
So I get woken up *again* by the sound of the hot water heater, which just goes to show how much of a light sleeper I am now (though it's not like I was ever a heavy sleeper). And dad tells me it's 'part of living with others'. Great. And after 20 minutes of the penetrating buzzing noise that I can't block out even with earplugs (I've tried), I'm awake and can no longer get to sleep, so I've essentially lost an hour's sleep-in, which in the world of IB is a more valuable commodity than food.
THANKS, WORLD. I hate you all. I hate living with others, anyway, though that may just be the adolescent hatred of one's own family, so as soon as it's *not* a necessity (so presumably after uni years as well), I am going to hole myself up in a hermit house forevermore.
Fuck this. I'm doing some physics revision for the next 50 minutes. I may as well use this time up wisely so that this evening I can sleep more.