Trying to explain Voldemort to Dorian

Dec 21, 2010 21:25

[21:20] Rachel: arrogance, perhaps... i think you're inhabited by voldemort's fragment, ryn
[21:20] Rachel: :)
[21:20] saviour machine;: DORIAN IS VOLDEMORT'S FRAGMENT?!
[21:20] saviour machine;: {I'm what?}
[21:20] saviour machine;: bald man with snake's nose who kills people via magic
[21:20] Rachel: yeaaaNO>
[21:20] saviour machine;: {...How much have I had to drink? Really, Jules.}
[21:20] saviour machine;: XD
[21:20] Rachel: HAHAHAHa
[21:20] saviour machine;: OH CMON ITS TOTALLY PLAUSIBLE
[21:20] saviour machine;: ITS SO TRUE THOUGH
[21:21] Rachel: he's only like the most powerful dark wizard
[21:21] Rachel: who wants to take over the world
[21:21] Rachel: but not, "bald man with snake's nose who kills people via magic"
[21:21] saviour machine;: yes but you see that means nothing to Dorian
[21:21] saviour machine;: um...
[21:21] saviour machine;: he's kind of like vlad the impaler!
[21:21] saviour machine;: but with magic!
[21:21] saviour machine;: {-wtf look-}
[21:21] saviour machine;: hes kind of like dracula!
[21:21] saviour machine;: but with magic!
[21:22] saviour machine;: {What on earth are you harping on about?}
[21:23] Rachel: he'd know about wizards though
[21:23] saviour machine;: hmm
[21:23] saviour machine;: i guess
[21:23] saviour machine;: but not harry potter kind of wizards
[21:23] saviour machine;: arent wizards usually friendly?

wtf, lol

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