Okay, description time! (feel free to skip until the bit with STEPHENFRY in it)
So, me and Rhi met up and went to the book fair, where we looked at books without much interest (no money) and milled around and generally got lost when we decided to try and find the place that the thing was happening at. When we got there, I dashed off to the bathroom, but because I did so (FOOLISH ME!) we weren't in time to get into Theatre 1, the theatre where they were actually doing the thing, and we had to go to Theatre 2, where they were just showing it on a giant projector screen. ):
Anyway, so the guests were Stephen Fry, Frederick Forsyth, and Andrew Roberts. I'm given to believe that Forsyth was really popular round about my grandmother's time, and the moderator/questioner guy, someone called Sir David Tang (who was as pretentious as the title would lead you to believe), kept making jokes about his age, lol. Oh and apparently Forsyth does everything FOR MONEY and wouldn't really care if he had to give up writing (and he was shameless about it!). Andrew Roberts, someone I'd never heard of at all, apparently has written lots of books about history, which meant my brain switched off every time he talked about his books. xD
EVEN THOUGH I WASN'T IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM HE WAS AMAZING. and everyone clapped when he started talking EVEN THOUGH HE COULDN'T HEAR IT XD and they were all funny and interesting and shit and omg it was cool. Lots of questions were asked, but not by me cause I couldn't think of anything.
Some good ones:
Q: Do you think the government should censor literature?
Fry: Well, short answer: no, long answer: NOOOOOO!
There was also a question about writing about people you know, to which Fry said something about not being able to disguise his well-known friends as "Bugh Baurie" or "Gemma Gompson" or whatever XD "They're obviously Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson!"
And Fryyyy <3 Fry > everyone else. He's so awesome.
ANYWAY so after that was done they came into our theatre to thank us for being there even though they hadn't been in the same room, and we all clapped like crazy because OMG STEPHEN FRY and they said a few words about how "this audience seems better than the other one!" hahaha. Oh and the three authors got flowers from whoever runs the book fair, which was...bizarre.
SO THEN it was time for BOOK SIGNING OMG and they set up a table outside where you could buy books by the authors which I always felt was kind of a cheapskate way of doing things, what with some people just buying stuff and then getting it signed without ever having read it or knowing the author or anything. I just feel bad for the author and the fans who don't get to go in place of those kind of people. >>
On that note, Fry's line was about twice the length of the other two, but oddly enough Roberts' line was longer than Forsyth's... huh. Oh well. So me and Rhi waited in line and tried not to TOTALLY SPAZ OUT from SQUEE. Rhi had brought three books from her house by Fry and I'd brought my shiny new copy of Wilde on dvd and "Stephen Fry in America" (which was hardback and HEAVY AS FUCK) to be signed for
alexdeorange. I felt a bit bad about bringing something which wasn't a book to be signed at a book fair but two girls in front of us got leaflets signed because they probably couldn't afford to buy a book, so yeah I don't think mine was the worst. xD
Me: Hi! I know this isn't a book but could you please sign this for me? -hands over Wilde-
Fry: Of course!
Me: (thinking omg he's so nice) My name's R-Y-N.
Fry: -signs it- What a great name! Where's it from?
Me: Well, actually, I made it up myself.
Fry: How creative of you! What's your actual name, or is it too awful to mention?
Me: Aheh, it's kind of too horrible. I hate it.
Fry: -finishes signing- Ryn, I like it. :)
Me: (omg SQUEE!) And could you sign this for my friend Alex in America? He told me to pass a message to you and that is that he likes you as the General in Blackadder.
Fry: -looks pleased and signs it- Here, just let that dry. -passes it back-
~then Rhi's turn~
[some moments later]
Rhi: [my dad] is at work.
Fry: Doing what?
Rhi: I don't know, fashion or something.
Fry: You don't know? He could be doing anything! He could be a prostitute or a rent boy or something!
Me: That would actually make a LOT of sense!
Fry: Really? xD
Rhi: It WOULD actually!
then we got a PHOTO WITH HIM~*~*~*~ and he was so nice!
Me: Okay! Thank you so much!
Fry: You're welcome. I enjoyed meeting you two :)
Me: (omgomgomgYAY)