Oct 15, 2009 22:10
batman:AA has been introduced to katie and rhi. they love it too. ALL IS WELL WITH THE WORLD.
lots of work to do over half term hols (which is next week). also need to investigate the piecing together of a Holmes costume. Borrowed out the return of sherlock holmes successfully so now I can FINALLY COMPLETE MY HOLMES READING! it is like an addiction that needs to be fed xD though I desperately want to watch the grenada series.
dad borrowed out some film noir for me. yay! must watch it.
swimming gala tommorow. this means EXTREME BOREDOM. this day is pointless. every year I find it utterly pointless. whoever thought it up was clearly incapable of analysing the typical student mind - your average teenager is not going to care for sitting around for 5 hours cheering themselves hoarse over some swimmer who is either so fucking brilliant he looks like a dolphin in the water or so crap you cringe and feel sorry for them. grrr.
holmes is very talkative today. heh. he expressed his belief that the creation of the movie was a bad idea, right after watching the trailer of the new Holmes movie. I feel this is slightly biased and unfair, but after watching that trailer even I was inclined to somewhat agree with him.
computer games,