Novel = 118 pages = very rough draft = still not done

Nov 25, 2008 10:49

I now know what 118 pages looks like printed out as a rough draft. Its single spaced, spaces between paragraphs. Its both intimidating and beautiful. I'm glad I printed it out so I could "see" my work. I have a long ways to go before any other eyes can truly land on it, but its mine all mine and even though its a piece of crap I think its beautiful right now.

First novels ---> even if they are really truly crap, they are beautiful. It shows that you can do something. Really do something - that no one else has done.

I love my crappy first novel! I just need to finish it, but I already have the editing ideas drifting through my head.

1. I'd like to change from 1st person point of view to 3rd. I think It'll be easier to read, and more interesting that way.

2. Lord Paul's name needs to be changed. I can't have the evil bad guy be the same name as my father in law. Can we say - OOPS!

3. Lord Paul needs more evil depth. Must explore background.

4. I need to decide if I want to start in a different spot - I need the Emily Meets Rolf backstory, but does it need to be done right away, or further into the book?

5. Need more description and anst for the Emily and Rolf parts.

6. Need more description and anst for wedding scene, people's deaths.

7. Maybe more research on the 1700's. I'd like to learn the names of King George 3's and Queen Charlotte's children. Emily & a Prince's interaction/flirting could potentially tick of Lord Paul. Gotta love making a bad guy mad.

8. More info on "my" style vampires.

9. Major Major rewriting needs to take place....

The decision now - Rewrite or finish off the first draft. My heart is telling me to rewrite (gotta love inner editor) My mind is tell me to finish what I started...

I think I'm going to sit on it for a while, and let it hang out int the back of my head for a bit.

nano, compassion, writing, novel

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