Poll Last Year's PromptsPlease vote in the above poll for the prompt(s) you'd like to see written or would like to claim in the future (no prompt claiming yet). You may vote for up to NINE prompts. :) You don't have to use all nine of your votes, as we only want to carry over the very best, however it's entirely up to you. We'll only be carrying over half of the 18 prompts left over from last year. (Don't feel bad if your prompt is not chosen! Submit some more this year! :D Remember, there's no limit on prompt submissions.)
Everyone needs to vote! (whether you're participating or not)
So please make an effort to vote! xP It's easy...
1. Simon challenges Ryan to a game of 'Simon Says.'
Rating: NC-17
Top!Simon, first time sex
1000+ Words, please.
(Submitted by
strawberrytatoo )
2. Simon is annoyed with Ryan at how he handles things after he slips up and calls Ryan sweetheart on air.
Rating: NC-17
Rough!sex, established Rymon relationship
1000+ Words, please.
(Submitted by
strawberrytatoo )
3. Ryan calls in a Ryan's Roses on Simon to see who he will pick. On air or not, and who he actually does choose is your choice.
Established relationship, must include a confrontation between Ryan and Terri.
(Submitted by
jordandesolated )
4. Ryan takes Simon on a romantic ride in an air balloon. Extra points if it goes horribly wrong.
Humor please. No character death or major injury.
(Submitted by
jordandesolated )
5. As illustrated by his comment to one of this year's contestants, Simon hates singing waiters. Simon takes Ryan out to dinner and is distinctly annoyed when one insists on interrupting them.
"It wasn't the guitar that was the problem. Well, I'll be honest with you, I've been in these situations before where you're having dinner and one of the waiters picks up a guitar and murders Brian Adams and everyone leaves the restaurant."
(Submitted by
jordandesolated )
6. Simon takes Ryan out to dinner with his family, but his credit card is denied and Ryan must pay the bill. A frustrated Simon finds the need to pay Ryan back for dinner later =] -raiseseyebrowssuggestively-
1000+ Words
(Submitted by
redwhitedresses )
7. Simon finds himself becoming jealous when Ryan begins to show signs of getting involved with/interested in one of the contestants on the show.
No established relationship between Simon and Ryan yet. May be with any contestant, preferrably male.
1000+ Words
(Submitted by
redwhitedresses )
8. Ryan refuses to thank Simon along with the other judges at the end of each show until he gives in to his demands.
1000+ words.
(Submitted by
redwhitedresses )
9. Taken from
THIS audio clip. Ryan is locked out of his house during a bad wind storm and reluctantly calls Simon, who has a key, to let him in. Est relationship. Must include Ryan's annoyance/thoughts while waiting the 45 minutes for Simon to show up.
(Submitted by
jenncho )
10. Boys Night Out with Simon, Ryan, and Randy becomes Simon and Ryan's night to be outed when Randy discovers their secret in a big way. Nothing tame, but after that the degree of their behavior is up to you. Randy can react in any way you can imagine.
(Submitted by
michabo )
11. Ryan bribes Simon (with anything you want) into having him wear something other than his usual outfit on the show. And Ryan is the one who gets to pick what Simon wears. Have Ryan take Simon to the mall, whatever, then have the show and the reactions, and of course interplay between Simon and Ryan. Can be a tryout episode or a Top 24-esque episode (before they go to the big stage).
(Submitted by
michabo )
12. Simon finds out that he's not one of the men on Ryan's hypothetical Hump Island, and reacts however you'd like.
(Submitted by
stoptocheer )
13. Ryan tries to convince Simon that he should actually be the one hosting Britain's Got Talent - with Simon having him do whatever you like to get the job.
(Submitted by
stoptocheer )
14. Ryan gets stuck out in the rain, to the point where he's freezing. Simon has to warm him up *winks*. 1000 words +. Points for realistically tender Simon!!
(Submitted by
mia6363 15. Christmas Fic! Simon doesn't really go all out for Christmas... maybe Ryan could change him mind... Points to the person who can incorporate "Unwrap Me" into it!
(Submitted by
mia6363 )
16. Simon gets jealous when Ryan flirts with Anderson Cooper while guesting on 360.
(Submitted by
jenncho )
17. Simon and Ryan try to be alone but are constantly being interrupted. Points for them getting caught shirtless by Paula who is oblivious to what's going on.
(Submitted by
jenncho )
18. From
this (2:58 - 3:13). Simon and Ryan at the Playboy mansion. Preferably getting into an embarrassing situation.
(Submitted by
jenncho ).
EDIT: Ehhh, ignore the above 20 cuts, ahaha. I'm too lazy to fix. Stupid LJ -shakesfist-
EDIT EDIT: .... I tried to fix it!
-- Lissa