Dear God. Somebody buy me this. I have wanted one for so long and this one is in pretty good condition. ITS NEVER TOO EARLY FOR A BIRTHDAY PRESENT. hah what i would do with a fucking skin like that. i'll have one somehow before this year is up.....
or how about something even more unrealistic? what the hell would i do with this? No fucking clue. I am a collector of trival expensive things.
In other news, all the kids are gone from here. There are three people in house with seven arrivals. Today is going to be nice and slow and quiet. Just what I need.
I didn't end up watching Mr. Show last night b/c I wanted to see it with Steve really, and I didn't have any kill. I fell asleep around two, and woke up at 7. Recently I have been waking up really early and not being able to go back to sleep unless I shower. So I showered, and went back to bed. I set my alarm for 1 b/c i wanted to run by Michaels and pick a few things up, but i was unusually tired so I just slept until 2:30.
Okay if one more old guy asks me to get a drink with them at sams boat when i get off im going to throw something. NO I DO NOT GO OUT WITH GUESTS. ESPECIALLY ONES WHO ARE OVER 40 YR OLD. Whats with old guys hitting on young girls anyway? heysus.
I have tomorrow and wednesday off and its much needed. I already have a full day booked tomorrow b/c there are several things i really should take care of, including homework. Hopefully bevos wont be too crowded tomorrow.