Nov 08, 2006 01:40
Minnis is losing! Fuck yeah. Hey Logan you and I should drink to that...
Cannon isn't the best candidate but the 46th District is really Democratic so he won.
The stupid measures lost and Metro got paid.
Oregon has a population of 3,641,056 of that 1,960,811 are registered to vote. But in reality only 891,045 voted. So thats 45.44% of registered voters voted and only 24.47% of the entire population of Oregon voted.
MSNBC has a democracy dashboard. right now at 1:34 am it stands even in the Senate with Va and Montana to decide and +35 in the House for Democrats.
But what the hell...Michigan, voters took a swipe at affirmative action, deciding that race and gender should not be factors in deciding who gets into public universities or who gets hired for government work. Damn for all my hommies...
election day