A Short Story About How Good God Is

May 03, 2014 21:44

A short story about how good God is.

Today, i fell sick after work. My room is at the 3rd floor and i'm glad i reached my room first before i felt dizzy.

Papa came home feeling hungry but i haven't had time to cook dinner. Good thing mommy Ne made me take home the pork steak from today's lunch.

I was feeling down but Papa handed me the rosary my brother sent me and i instantly felt better.

It was raining hard and the water from my balcony almost flowed inside my room, but when Papa decided to go back to his hostel, the rain toned down and he was able to go home safely.

I love coke. But i have no money left, so i started counting the money scattered around the house... Which is like 2cents each(100 riel in khmer money). I gathered about five dollars of those lmao.

But then i came across my wallet. And found another 800riels hehehehehehe. Our family picture is there, and I used to keep a few bills in between the pictures. The last time i checked, there's nothing in there. But tonight, i checked again and and a wild $10 appeared.

God is good not because he lets me get sick but because He keeps me away from harm especially when i am sick.

God is good not because he gives me food but because He doesn't let us be hungry.

God is good not because he lets me feel so down but because He doesn't let me feel lonely for a long time.

God is good not because of the flood but because He clears the sky after a heavy rain.

God is good not because of the things i don't have but because He lets me appreciate the ones that are left.

God is good not because of the money, but because of the unexpected things i didn't ask but He still gave me.

via ljapp

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