Give me the Reason (5/?)

Jan 08, 2011 18:30

Title: Give Me the Reason (5/?)
Author: RyeoKyu
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairings: 2min, JongKey, OnTae, Super Junior
Rating: PG-13 (For Now) NC 17 later
Word Count: 1350
Summary: What happens when Taemin confesses his love to Minho, but Minho claims to "can't " feel the same way?
Disclaimer: I own only the fic, SM owns all of the sexy SHINee members

( Ch.1
( Ch,2
( Ch.3
( Ch.4

When Minho got to the Super Junior household he was greeted by Siwon clad in his boxers. He looked away, a blush creeping onto his cheeks.

“Yah Minho, isn’t it really early?”

“Hyung…it’s like 10:30”

“Oh…Well what can I help you with?”

“I’m actually here to see Donghae hyung.”

“Of course you are.” Siwon said while rolling his eyes. Minho sent him a glare but it was dodged as Siwon stepped aside to let Minho in. The rest of the members were sitting on the couch and floor watching some program. Leeteuk noticed him first and welcomed in with open arms.

“Minho-ah! What brings you here?” He said cheerfully, embracing him in an endearing hug.

“I kind of need to talk to Donghae hyung if that’s not any trouble.” He replied politely.

“Is this about your love troubles with Taemin?” Heechul said bluntly, his eyes not leaving his phone screen. No doubt that he was posting something on Twitter.

“What?! How…Wha- Who told you? !” Minho said in shock, his eyes widening.

“Oh please, I am Kim Heechul. I know everything about everybody.” He snorted.

At this point of time, everyone’s eyes were on Minho and he felt as though the room had gotten a thousand degrees warmer.

“What’s wrong Minho?” Donghae asked, getting up from his seat on Eunhyuk’s lap.

“It’s just…Well Taemin confessed to me and I couldn’t accept it-“

“What do you mean you couldn’t accept it?” Ryeowook inquired innocently.

“Well…he’s so young and pure. I don’t want to be the one to corrupt him and I’m afraid that I might hurt him.”

“Have you hurt him enough by rejecting his confession?” Sungmin said point blank.

“I guess but-“

“So you guess that you hurt him? If it were me, I would’ve locked myself in my room and cried my eyes out. Of course Kyuhyun wouldn’t do that to me.” Sungmin said cuddling closer to Kyuhyun.

“He did do that-“

“And you let him cry?! Geez Minho I thought you had a heart.” Siwon said disdainfully.

“Well I didn’t-“

“Guys! Stop cutting him off. Let the poor guy speak alright?” Eunhyuk said sternly, making everyone shut up.

“Thanks hyung. Anyways, yes I rejected him. Yes I made him cry by doing that. Do I regret doing that? Of course; I’m paying for it, one way or another. But now there’s a new problem. Taemin has a boyfriend and not just any boyfriend…it’s Onew hyung.” He ended forlornly.

A collective choir of gasps filled the living room. Donghae was the first to react by holding Minho in a brotherly hug. One by one, the rest of the Super Junior got up to join into a group hug giving Minho their sympathy. This heartwarming moment was interrupted by the growling of Minho’s stomach. Smiling sheepishly, he let go and gave a chuckle.

“Minho ah , did you eat before you came here?” Leeteuk asked with concern.

“Uhm…no.” He said looking away.

“Well we don’t mind having another person join us for breakfast. Come, come Minho. Shindong, go get Minho a plate please.” Leeteuk said, bringing him into the kitchen. Shindong set out an extra plate for Minho and Yesung started to put rice into a bowl. Minho felt touched; once he tasted the food he could’ve sworn his taste buds had just tasted heaven.

“Minho ah, what are you going to do about Taemin and Onew?” Donghae said, taking a seat across Minho.

“I don’t know hyung, what should I do?”

“I think you should try and talk to him about this.”

“But why hyung? He obviously loves Onew hyung; they were making out in front of all of the members.”

“You don’t know if he does. Besides, you said he confessed to you a couple of days ago right? You can’t get over someone that fast. Believe me, that’s how I felt with Eunhyuk.”

“What do you mean by that? I thought Eunhyuk accepted it when you told him.”

“Well actually…he didn’t. Not the first time I mean. When I told him he rejected me and told me “he didn’t feel the same way”, kind of like what you told Taemin. For days I felt awful, but I know he felt awful as well. I wouldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep; in short I was a wreck. And I could tell he was too because he did the same. But I never once doubted my love for him. And in about two weeks he came to me telling me that was sorry about what he said and that he was totally wrong about what he said. He rejected me because he was confused. I can understand that you’re in the same position now, you’re confused and that’s okay. But I think Taemin still loves you, there’s a chance he’s using Onew to cover up the pain that you left him. So tell me Minho, how do you feel about Taemin?” Donghae said, leaning back on his chair with his arms crossed.

“Well, I feel…I guess I feel happy being around him. I like the way he dances with ease and the way he’s awkwardly innocent. I feel like he’s someone that I have to protect…”

“Do you like him?”

“Of course.”

“Do you like him more then a band mate, more then a friend?”

“I…don’t know. I think so but... I’m not sure yet.”

“How did you feel? When Taemin and Onew were kissing?”

“I felt mad, I felt like…like I was going to lose control.”

“What did you do when you saw that?”

“I left the room and went to the bedroom.”

“Is that all you did?”

“No, I punched a wall.”

“And the other members?”

“They just watched in shock- wait why are you asking me all of these questions? Are you my therapist or something?”

“If I was Minho, then I would be rich because you always come to me with your problems.” Minho’s cheeks reddened and looked away. It was true though; he did always go to Donghae with his problems.

“I think you need to talk to him because it seems to me that you like Taemin, a lot.” Donghae said, picking up the now empty food bowl and placing it in the sink.

“I don’t think I can do that…”

“Where’s the Minho that never said no to a challenge? Where’s the Minho that let his over confidence get the better of him sometimes? Where did he go?” Donghae said , leaning against the counter.

“Maybe he left when all this happened.”

“Or maybe he just needs a little push. You can do it Minho, trust your hyung. I haven’t steered you wrong yet.” Donghae chuckled. He pulled Minho out of his seat and pushed him towards the front door. “Good luck Minho.”

“Thanks hyung, and thanks everyone! I’m very grateful to have you as my hyungs.” Minho said, waving the Super Junior members good bye.

Halfway on his journey back to the SHINee dorm he received a text from Jonghyun.

From: Blingasaurus
To: Keroro

Hey, Key nd I rgoing shopping. God knows when we’ll be back but Key sed he sent Onew 2 buy stuff 4 lunch. It shud b chicken but if he ends up eating it all on his way home, again, then heat up the leftovers from last nite 4 u and Taem kay?

Minho chuckled and replied:

From: Keroro
To: Blingasaurus

Ok. Hav fun shopping hyung. Fighting!

This was perfect. A perfect opportunity to talk to Taemin. But Minho didn’t know how to confront Taemin about this. Should he be direct or beat around the bush? When Minho got home he found Taemin on the couch watching a re-run from “We Got Married”. Minho cleared his throat, startling Taemin.

“Oh hyung you’re back. How was breakfast with the Super Junior hyungs?”

“It was good, how was breakfast here?”

“It was okay. Onew hyung kept feeding me and Key umma kept complaining that Jonghyun isn’t romantic anymore. So Jonghyun hyung decided to take umma shopping to make him feel better.”

“That’s nice. Taemin?”

“Yes hyung?”

“We need to talk.”

shinee super junior jongkey taemin minho

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