Give me the Reason (4/?)

Dec 27, 2010 15:01

Title: Give Me the Reason (4/?)
Author: RyeoKyu
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairings: 2min, JongKey, OnTae
Rating: PG-13 (For Now)
Word Count: 1723
Summary: What happens when Taemin confesses his love to Minho, but Minho claims to "can't " feel the same way?
Disclaimer: I own only the fic, SM owns all of the sexy SHINee members
( Ch,2
( Ch.3

It was the next morning, and Jonghyun and Key were still not talking to each other. Key went through with shaving half of his hair and even dyed the shaved side blond. On the other hand, Jonghyun worked on his tan and got his hair cut and dyed brown. He made a plan for his workout and started yesterday.


Once Key heard that Jonghyun was going to start working out, he couldn’t help himself but to sneak a peek. He saw Jonghyun, shirtless, doing pushups in the gym. The sweat glistened on his body and made him seem even sexier then he already was. Key couldn’t help but feel hot and bothered by it, in a good way of course. He felt himself getting harder by every push up Jonghyun did. Another thing that was hard for Key was being able to turn away from the gorgeous sight bestowed in front of him. When the noona started to sound irritating, calling Key’s name over and over again, that’s when he decided to leave and Jonghyun finish his workout.

It wasn’t like Jonghyun didn’t notice him at all. He saw Key’s reflection off the mirror in the gym. Jonghyun took a quick glance and saw that Key didn’t look half bad with half of his hair gone. He actually looked pretty…hot. Of course, Jonghyun didn’t want Key to know that, his pride was too big to swallow just for that. He wasn’t going to lose to Key now. But Jonghyun had to admit, he was able to pull off that look but that was only because he was the Almighty Diva.

-------End of Flashback-------

Anyways back to the present, Jonghyun was sitting at the table with Minho and Onew. Key was at the stove cooking breakfast. Taemin was still at the building getting the finishing touches on his hair. Onew informed them that Taemin would be joining them for breakfast soon.

“Minho you hair looks pretty good, you look like a Korean Spock.” Jonghyun said, trying to stifle his laughter. Minho sent him a glare and Onew burst into laughter. Key rolled his eyes and started to place rice bowls on the table.

“At least it’s a normal haircut.” Jonghyun said in a low tone.

Key slammed Jonghyun’s rice bowl on the table and went back to the stove. The sudden move shocked the three sitting at the table. Some of the rice fell onto the table and Jonghyun’s lap.

“Key what the hell is wrong with you?!” Jonghyun yelled, standing from his seat and wiping rice off his lap.

“So now you want to talk to me?” Key retorted, glaring at Jonghyun.

“I wasn’t talking to you, I asked a question but now I guess I am talking to you.”
Key scoffed and went back to cooking. Jonghyun sat back in his seat and looked the other way. Even though Jonghyun was an egotistical dinosaur, he couldn’t stay mad at Key. As cliché as it may sound, Key was probably that best thing that ever happened to him. Well besides the fact that he was part of one of the hottest Korean boy bands. He mumbled a small “I’m sorry” half hoping that Key wouldn’t hear him. Key stayed silent and continued with his cooking leaving Jonghyun to let out a sigh of relief.

“For what?” Key said, still focused on breakfast.

“For making you mad…and for insulting your choice for your hairstyle.” Jonghyun said with a hint of embarrassment in his tone.

Key kept stirring the pot which contained breakfast, Onew and Minho gave Jonghyun an apprehensive look. Jonghyun couldn’t help but feel crestfallen and keep his head down.

“I forgive you, but if you do it again you won’t get some for weeks. Do I make myself clear Kim Jonghyun?” Key said at last, Jonghyun lifted his head and gave a huge smile. He got up from his seat and gave Key a back hug. He placed kisses in the crook of Key’s neck and inhaled his scent. Jonghyun licked a spot on Key’s neck and bit it, no doubt leaving a mark. Key yelped and Jonghyun chuckled.

“Jonghyun! Not in front of the others.” Key said with embarrassment.

“Let them watch, they can’t have what I have.”

“And what would that be?”

“You.” Jonghyun said kissing Key’s neck again. Key gave a small giggle while Minho made gagging noises. At that moment the door opened and Taemin walked in. Everyone turned and they simultaneously let out a gasp.

There was Taemin, long auburn hair that reached past his shoulders. He was in baggy sweats and a basic black tee and wore a beanie on top. Even in simple clothing, Taemin still looked incredible. He looked away, cheeks blushing red from embarrassment. “I’m back.” He said shyly, trying to avoid the surprised looks on the member’s faces.

“Omo! My son is so gorgeous!” Key exclaimed, detaching from Jonghyun’s embrace and tackle hugging his ‘son’. Jonghyun pouted when Key left him to hug Taemin. Minho gawked at Taemin and could’ve sworn his jaw hit the floor. Onew closed his jaw while keeping his eyes on Taemin. The hairstyle came out better then expected.

“Wow Taeminnie, you look amazing.” Minho said breathlessly.

Taemin blushed at Minho; he felt his heart skip a beat and nodded. “Thanks Minho.” He said giving a shy smile. Minho felt his heart melt, and couldn’t help but smile back.

“Well let me get you a bowl so you can join us.” Key said happily, taking a bowl out of the cabinet and filling it up with rice. He walked over towards the empty seat left for Taemin. Onew got up from his seat and walked towards Taemin.
“Taemin…” Onew said, his voice filled with longing. He pulled Taemin by the waist and crushed their lips together. Taemin opened his eyes in shock but closed them and gave into the kiss. A crash resonated throughout the kitchen followed by gasps. Onew and Taemin immediately pulled away from each other and saw broken glass by Taemin’s seat. Key had dropped Taemin’s rice bowl and stared at the two in shock. Minho also stared at Taemin in shock and Jonghyun gaped at them. Silence flooded the once lively kitchen; it was broken by Key clearing his throat.

“So, what do we have here? Care to explain to the rest of us?” Key inquired, with his hands on his hips and an eyebrow raise.

“Well, Taemin and I are together. We’re boyfriend and boyfriend.” Onew answered with pleasure. Jonghyun and Minho both let out a loud ‘What?!”

“Taeminnie? Is he telling the truth?” Key said with uncertainty in his voice.

“Yes umma, Onew hyung is my boyfriend now.” Taemin said with a big smile plastered on his face.

“But I thought Taemin loved Minho!” Jonghyun yelled.

Minho flinched at Jonghyun’s outburst. Taemin clenched his fist; he didn’t want to be reminded about his confession. He faced Onew and kissed him hard. Onew smirked into the kiss and placed his hands at Taemin’s hips. Taemin then wrapped his arms Onew’s neck to make it seem more convincing.

“I guess not.” Key said bluntly. Minho gripped the table edge tightly and tried very hard to keep his temper in check.

Then Onew did someone no one expected. He grabbed Taemin’s butt making Taemin gasp in surprise. He took that chance and shoved his tongue into Taemin’s wet cavern. Taemin moaned loudly at the contact and felt Onew’s knee rubbing against his crotch.

“Ahh…hyung that feels…soo good...” Taemin moaned, breaking out of the kiss. Key cleared his throat again. Onew pulled away and blushed, while Taemin looked at Key in a daze. Jonghyun couldn’t formulate a sentence and Minho looked away in irritation.

“Alright, alright that’s enough. I don’t want any morning sex in my kitchen.” Jonghyun choked on orange juice, Minho cringed, Onew blushed feverishly and Taemin looked at Key in embarrassment. “Umma!”

“What? I’m just saying. First it starts with an innocent kiss that turns into a passionate heated battle with tongue. Then the moaning comes along and the clothes fall off. And then-“Key’s explanation was cut off by the loud screech of Minho’s chair moving back.

“I’m going to my room, don’t bother me.” Minho said darkly and stalked off to the bedroom.

Onew smiled.’ How does it feel Minho?’ He thought to himself as he walked over to his chair.

“Come here Taemin, sit on my lap since there’s broken glass around your chair.” Onew said in a loud voice, making sure Minho heard him.

“Okay hyung.” Taemin said walking to Onew’s chair.

Taemin sat square on Onew’s crotch and felt his hard on through Onew’s flimsy sweat pants. Taemin blushed and Onew just wrapped his arms around Taemin’s lap. Key looked at them in envy. “Yeobo, why don’t we get to do that anymore?” He whined.

“Because you said not to do such things in front of Taemin.”

“Well it’s okay now because he has a boyfriend.”

“You approve of this?!” Jonghyun shouted, pointing his finger to Onew feeding Taemin some rice.

“Well…not really but as along as my son is happy then it’s okay.” He said ruffling Taemin’s hair. “You are happy aren’t you Taeminnie?”

“Yes umma.” He said happily, but he didn’t know for sure what to feel.

Meanwhile, Minho punched the wall. He felt his blood boiling and needed to vent out his anger. How could he? How could Taemin turn on him like this? Taemin would never do something like that. Something had to be up. Minho needed to clear his head and decided he was going to visit Donghae to talk to him about this. He left the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. The first thing he saw was Taemin being fed breakfast by Onew.

“Ah Minho, aren’t you going to eat breakfast?” Onew said with a smile.

“No. I’m going to eat at Donghae hyung’s.” He said simply, glaring at the two. Taemin looked away reluctantly. Key gave him an odd look and Jonghyun stuffed his face. And like that Minho left. Everyone else resumed what they were doing but Taemin could feel the guilt building up from within. He shook it off as hunger and continued to eat. No one noticed Onew’s smirk growing with the feeling of triumph.

shinee 2min jongkey ontae

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