Snowflake Challenge - Day 11

Jan 11, 2015 21:13

In your own space, post a rec for fannish and/or creative resources.

Not exactly sure if I'm understanding this correctly, but I can give some examples of things I use when I write. So...

For HP, first and foremost, I always have the books to hand. Failing that, if I need to look up something and I can't remember exactly where to find it, I generally use the HP Lexicon or HP Wiki (although I like to double check things from there).

For WLIIA, there aren't really any sites (apart from this one, which can be helpful sometimes). I've collected a certain amount of knowledge from articles and interviews over the years, as well as the episodes themselves. I've always found that the best way to get into character when writing any member(s) of the cast, is to watch interviews with them on Youtube. The episodes give you their stage persona, while interviews give you a sense of their real selves, and there are so many interviews out there, going back years. Same for Pinto - I read and watch lots of interviews.

Then there are general sites that can be useful. For example, a fake name generator, when you need an OC (and there are lots of others for different genres etc). Google can generally answer the normal everyday things unrelated to fandom. And of course, I always have a dictionary and thesaurus at hand.

If I have a fandom question or problem that I can't find an answer to, I'll fall back on the best resource - my fandom friends here and on Tumblr etc. Because, together, we have a collective knowledge that rivals anything online. ♥

Finally, recs for fandom goodness. For HP, the daily-snitch is great for general fandom news, whereas blogs like snape_potter satisfy my Snarry needs. For WLIIA, wl_fanfiction will always be my first port of call. It covers everything Whose Line, and has a substantial archive going back many years (and is now pretty much the only active community on LJ). As for Pinto, really the Chris/Zach tag on AO3 is your best bet for fic, but there are also a lot of drabbles and general fandom squee on Tumblr (look under the 'wordplay as foreplay' tag). Lastly, the Pinto Bar on Chatzy is the place to chat to other fans. Anytime. :)

And I think that's it! Phew.

snowflake challenge, fandom, writing

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