Jul 07, 2004 16:57
Okay...bored. I made another live journal so i can write other things in there and stuff and i found a cute piture for it now i need a picture for this journal and I can use the same one because it dosent go! But anyways I think that I can get over Jordan easy as long as I dont see him...that wont be hard...untill school starts. I dont know if he is changeing schools or not either. I kinda hope he isnt but wouldent you think it would be for the better not to see him? I think that he didnt want to he said that his whole kingdom hall (church) found out somehow or something and ...whatever whats done is done right and theres no going back well anyways...
I think that itll be fun then next year me and brittany will be like it was before and maby this year she ll actually talk to the ...forgot his name ...kid about something other than white out! Im just kiddin around britt ya know i love ya
Well anyways im gonna go finish doing so things...yeah your right Dakota no one ever comments on my Journal...oh well...