School..Place for learning or a Place for Drama?? This is a question we need to ask ourselves

Oct 04, 2004 19:38

So there is this kid at my school that doesn't like my b/f because supposedly my b/f is hitting on his girlfriend. W/e not true...So I was confronted by the kid and then later by his girlfriend. The girl is sooo much nicer than the guy she let me know that nothing was going on and that her b/f was a little over protective...Yeah i mean who comes up to someone's work just to threaten them.
I don't know so school a place that is for learning has become a place for drama. Work is a place of drama it's insane you go to escape it and you just can't. Everyone's life would be soo much easier without the drama. It's like we live to say I don't like you and see what comes out of it. What the heck. We constantly have to have a problem in our life or we aren't happy....but when we have these problems in our life we aren't happy either. We have set ourselves up for failure to not be happy. I mean we have the cover that we are happy but when we have to face the DRAMA of high school we really aren't happy even though we look it, right. I mean where is the place you have cried the most at (for us girls at least) school, right. If school isn't the place you cry most it's the one place you have cried over cause your friends don't like you for that week or this guy that you like doesn't like you or maybe even forgot you name (I HATE THAT). High School sucks... well it doesn't, just the stupid stuff that happens within it. I mean the stupid break ups and the we're going to be together forever and then the next week he hates me i can't believe he's with her,or cheated on me with her. Or the She likes the same guy i like i hate her she is a dirty whore ummm....i am sure you can't control her feelings and i am sure she isn't a dirty whore but it makes us feel better to think that about her doesn't it. I mean so you both have the same awesome taste neither one of you can help it. Girls, why are girls soo stupid i have never understood why we have to say one week we hate one of the other girls in our clique and then the next week you are best friends with that person again I mean i have been the girl that was hated the girl that did the hating but now that i look back on that How stupid is this behavior why do we do it. Being a teenager sucks and it is Awesome at the same time. I just felt like pointing out some of the stuipd things we do as teenagers. LOL High school i am soo glad i am almost done...Maybe just maybe college will be better.
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