Feb 07, 2009 09:37
Argh. I think my body has finally clued in to the fact it is now winter. The amount I've slept this week is tantamount to hibernation. I spent all yesterday sleeping (and had wonderfully yummy dreams!) and I'm still tired, but not to tired to go on a random LJ search.
I was walking through different coms of Ouran on LJ this morning when I crossed a name I swore I recognized, Box of Doom, so I spent the next hour and twenty minutes trying to figure out where I knew the name from, so I assumed at first it was fanfiction or something and ran through ff,net and other ouran coms trying to prove this right. No dice. It only took 80 minutes before I though, maybe I should check their friends list? So eventually I realized that I knew that name through Cass' LJ when I read the comments to her entires, that's where I knew the LJ identity Box of Doom from. Pointless LJ exploration that could've been solved in less than 2 minutes if I'd been smart about it lol. Oh well, I had fun.
I also have accepted a job tomorrow night oddly enough. From 8pm-12am I'll be at Food Basics. What will I be doing? Sitting on my butt playing my DS. Cool, isn't it? Literally I was asked to do this just because there needs to be a second person, but my actual physical help is not required at all. I'm taking FFIV with me and I'm just going to play it. I will take a job any day where no work is required of me.
I also need to start writing more. I enjoy writing and have about 7 fanfics on the go that I won't post because of their incompleteness. I need to finish them. I made myself a promise to write 3 fics before my birthday, and I've only made one since the promise started. I need to get cracking.
Finally, the library sucks. I hate the whole receipt system. I NEVER used to be late with my library books, but now I am constantly. I think that was their idea in making the new system. Stamping each book wasn't a big waste of their time, but it gave borrowers an easy method of remembering when their books were due by. I lose my stupid receipt within a day of getting books, and I can never remember when I took them out! Argh.
I'm gonna read a few more fanfics then sleep. Work tonight, work tomorrow. Busy girl Courtney.
real life,