Thank you, Peter S. Beagle's e-mail newsletter, for introducing me to It is incredibly amusing.
. . .I'm almost as amused by the actual newsletter, which is mostly stuff like, "Okay, who left a cake knife at my event?" and "Look at how cute my cat is!" bookended by actual news.
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I think Lattimore vs. Fitzgerald really boils down to whose poetry you like better. ^^; Both translations are defensible (as far as I can tell. . .have not crunched the Greek myself), though Lattimore's is much stricter (I think it's line for line?) and Fitzgerald is not. Lattimore's style is preferable to me, so I like it better. Others find it kind of strained.
But, yeah. The "respectable" translations are Lattimore and Fitzgerald. The "meh" translation is Fagles, and the "I hope you bought that because it was hilariously terrible" translation is Lombardo.
There is actually a translation guide in the bookstore that is pretty useful for this stuff if you ever feel the need for it. (Though due to faculty politics it covers almost no Aristotle. ^^; That's the other big translation divide.)
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