(no subject)

Apr 10, 2009 00:35

Coming with me to Grandma's:

Maria Watches Over Us - All
Red Garden - 2 discs
FLCL - final disc
Stellvia - first disc

Crime and Punishment
Whose Body?
Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World

My Computer(Not sure about wireless, I seem to remember her having it, but not sure if I remember correctly.  Either way, for writing and DVDs.)

Not coming:

My cat.  Even though she tried to hide in my backpack.  And it was adorable.  She'd probably object to the ferry ride, though.  And my Grandma's cats, Tutti and Frutti.

Also, I forgot it was Easter this Sunday!  This means I'm going to Church with Grandma for Easter Sunday, and afterwards to Brunch.  I look forward to this - I've been to her Church previously (Presbyterian), and the people there are extremely nice.

I think a plain black skirt and red sweater should work?   ^^;;  All my pants are jeans, and the other two skirts(of the three I have to my name), are, well . . .too fancy, and honestly, I really own them . . .because I like them, not because I have anywhere to wear them.  (One of them is covered with tiny little mirrors and silver embroidery.  I think I probably bought it just to . . .stare at it.)  The skirt's hem(the plain one I'm wearing, I mean),  is frayed in places, but it should be easily taken care of with scissors.

So, I saw two more anime premieres and. . .

Paradiso Ristorante was quite good, nice art, and oh, man, the foooood.  I'll keep watching - the quality really depends on what direction it goes in.

The new Fullmetal Alchemist was good, if clearly marketed toward fans.  I really hate the running gags - once per episode is enough, thanks - but the characters I liked from the five episodes of the original I've seen(Roy, Hughes, and Riza, mostly), were awesome.  The music and animation were gorgeous.

my life, clothing, anime

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