Jan 05, 2005 17:52
Ok, well we were winnning in a game against team "jew" 17-0 at the begging (and i'm serious when i say team jew because they all wore yamakas into the fucking gym?. And then the lead slipped a lil bit, then a lil more, and before you know it we were fucking tied, then with 4 seconds left this kid hits a shot to win the game. The only part of the game i liekd was whne i was pissed and punched the firggan chair to next week. Why does tyhis fucking happen to me, why do i live in littleton, why does littleotn suck so bad? Ya know i don' thikn there is a fucking answer to any of this shit. And i sick of it the only thing that could ever make me feel better at this point would be if i stabbed someon to death and one other thing buts like stabbing someon its not going to happen. alright well i'm goiong to go lie down because i'm to pissed of to type on this god damn computer