Dec 28, 2004 13:04
*Your Name: Richard
*Nicknames: Rich, Richie haha, um.. X-Man, Dick
*Birthday: August 10
*Zodiac sign: Leo
*School: LHS.
*Color of eyes/hair: Baby Blue biatch
*Height: 5'7"
*Weight: 123
*Had an online romance: lol no
*Left the country: yep!
*Taken any illegal substances: yes
*Gone out in public in your pajamas: no, i don't have pajamas
*Set any body part on fire for amusement: haha do socks on your feet count .
*Cheated on a B/f or G/f: no.
*Kept a secret from everyone: yep..
*Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: wtf is that, is that liek a supersistion?
*Had an imaginary friend: haha absolutely
*Wanted to hook up with a friend of the opposite sex: yea who the hell doesn't hah
*Ever cried at a chick flick: no
*Had a crush on a teacher: yea haha ms smith in 5 and 6th grade
*Done something stupid to impress your crush: don't think so
*Found a cartoon character attractive: yes the lady in the coyotee cartoon
*Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: no
*Called or seen a psychic: psychic hotline
*Planned your week based on the TV Guide: haha absolutely Sunday: My big Fat obnoxious boss Monday: Battle of the sexes Tuesdays: Real Worl Wednesday: Quintuplets, That 70 show haha yes i have no life
*Prank called someone: yeah
*Been on stage: yep
*Gotten in a car accident: yeah.
*Made homemade fudge: nope
*Seen the Eiffel tower: nope
*Shampoo: are you kiding me?
*Soap: same as above
*Colors: blue
*Day/Night: night
*Band: um.. how bout individuals eminem, 50 Cent
*Type(s) of music: Rap
*Type of sandwich: Turkey
*Coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate. Hot chocolate
*Cold or hot: hot.
*Big or little: big.
*Lace or satin: ?
*Here or there: here.
*Red or blue: blue.
*New or old: new.
*Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: Jennifer Love Hewitt
*Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt: Tom Cruise in Top Gun bitch
*Old Madonna or New Madonna: Old sex book Madonna haha
*Character on Charmed: no clue
*Cartoon Character: taz
*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
*Crush: non-excistant
*Do you have a best friend: um.. probably like 2
*Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorites: i only have voice mail home and moms cell for speed dial cause i can't remeber the rest of em
*Who's your funniest friend: mike D haha
*Who do you go to the mall with: mike
*Who do you e-mail the most: noone
*Who have you known the longest of your friends: scott
*Who's the most outgoing: no clue
*Who's the shyest: Kara haha i took rosies answer
*Whose parents do you know the best: um... prob mikes
*Who do you go to for advice: noone really
*Who do you get the most surveys from: ?
*Who are you jealous of: um.. probably brad pit because hes married to jenifer aniston lol
*Cried: nope
*Helped someone: nope
*Cut your hair: nope
*Worn a skirt: nope
*Worn a tie: wearing one now
*Been mean: nope
*Been sarcastic: yeah.
*Gone for a walk: nope
*Gone to the movies: nope
*Gone out for dinner: yep.
*Felt stupid: nope
*Said "I love you": nope
*Written a letter: nope
*Written a paper: nope.
*Taken a test: see above..
*Met someone new: nope
*Written in a journal: this one.
*Watched your favorite movie: nope
*Given someone a present: nope
*Had a serious talk: nope
*Missed someone: yes
*Hugged someone: nope
*Had a nightmare: nope
*Fought with your parents: nope
*Fought with a friend: nope.
*Been scared: nope
wow all those answers were nopes
*Wished upon a star: no clue
*Laughed until you cried: spanish class
*Played Truth or Dare: long time ago
*Watched a sunrise/sunset: no clue
*Spent quality time alone: right now.
*Read a book for fun: wreading sucks
*Told someone you hated them: haha don't even know
*Did u mean it: prob
*Lied to sound good: prob have before
*Ditched a friend for a guy/girl: yea
*Did something out of character: ?
*Showered: 2 hours ago
*Ate a meal: last night
*Are you lonely: not really
*Are you happy: ehh
*Are you wearing pajamas: nope
*Are you hungry: yep
*Are you eating: nope
*Are you talking to someone online: no i have an away message up.
*Are you ready for this survey to end: yeah
*How long did this survey take you: to fucking long
*God/Devil: i def believe in a greater being, god and devil? i donno
*Yourself: yeah
*Your friends: some
*Aliens: possibly
*Love: we'll see
*Destiny: absoluetely
*The Closet Monster: haha def yes
*One person for everyone: maybe
*Psychic powers: nope
*The Big Bang Theory: absolutely
*Government Conspiracies: haha def