Saturday was reasonably productive. We got up in good time to ensure we could sleep early that night (ha!), then I made a toaster cover. (Yes guests, we have a toaster now, although it doesn't see much use). No, black isn't a good colour for a toaster cover, but it was what I had spare. It's a little rough, but I'm quite pleased with how it turned out, given that I was making it up as I went along.
I got my mask sorted out with the new bib & padding, but fatally didn't bother checking anything else. I'm just getting too relaxed about these things. Washing got done, we wandered out to do the grocery shopping, and wasted some time trying to get my Mac to play the avi files David has downloaded.
I'm beginning to feel a bit let down by my Mac. The whole point is that it's supposed to Just Work, but at the moment it's giving me a lot of problems. Some are most likely related to the mystery battery/time displacement problem that I am still stubbornly refusing to pay someone to fix, but why did my stuffit suddenly die? The new version (11) didn't work either, but version 10 does. And why is it so hard to play these avi files on my Mac? We think they maybe need the xvid codec, which requires a divx workaround for the mac, but having followed it - I still can't even play them let alone convert and burn them to a DVD. I am however pleased to note that the quality of the icons for GPL software has improved markedly over the years.
Anyway, I'm hoping the next version of OSX gets released soon, maybe an upgrade will improve something. I'll probably give up and pay someone to fix the time problem before I do that. I seem to have missed OSX Tiger entirely. In other computer news, I now have a USB hub (which is also a card-reader), and a 400Gb external Hardrive for backups (the DVD backups only seem to happen once a year, so this is supposed to fill the gaps). It even comes with a nifty backup scheduling utility, so in theory it will now back up my files once a month. I'd prefer once a week but oddly enough the only options are daily, monthly, or whenever the drive is connected. I'm sure I could schedule some file copying within OSX easily enough, but I really can't be bothered.
Sunday didn't exist. Fell into bed at about 9pm and got a good 10 hours sleep around a few minor interruptions as David went about his early morning routine and I had weird dreams that saw me running around with a twitching severed hand that had been found wrapped up with David's cupcake.
Was apparently still running largely on auto-pilot (which can make for some stupid moments), but feeling fairly close to human when I got to work. There followed an implementation from hell, which saw me put in a solid 9 hours at the computer with only a couple of very short breaks all day. Stumbled home to eat and spend a lot of time dozing on the sofa. Did stay up to watch Heroes though.
After another good 8 hours sleep (with minor interruptions by the Early Morning Routine and more odd dreams), I'm feeling... still rather tired. Hopefully today will stay nice and quiet.
Tomorrow morning we're off to the dentist. Could be expensive, even with insurance.