BART guard murders unarmed, unresisting man.

Jan 07, 2009 15:03

BART guard murders man.
BART officials try to cover it up.
BART officials lose credibility.
More video surfaces of deliberate shooting.

WARNING. The videos are often graphic, and depict the shooting moment itself.

Some of the links are duplication of text and video. Sorry; I'm a bit on the ticked side about this one. (slides from cell phone video)
The claim alleges that Mehserle, who was standing nearby, kneeled down and restrained Grant's hands, then "inexplicably" stood up, drew his firearm and pointed it directly at Grant's back.

The claim states, "Without so much as flinching, Officer Mehserle stood over Mr. Grant and mercilessly fired his weapon, mortally wounding Mr. Grant with a single gunshot sound to the back."

Video footage of the shooting and witness statements indicate that after Grant was shot officers placed him in handcuffs "without any justification," the claim states.

Born out by cell phone video. What investigation is needed? That was murder.
BART officials implied the shooting was an accident, saying the officer's gun discharged while the police officer and four other officers responded to reports that two groups of young men were fighting on a train that had come from San Francisco and was en route to the Dublin/Pleasanton station.

Nonsense. The subject was compliant, on the ground, and not resisting. The officer drew a gun. That's indicative of intention. He didn't need a gun in this situation. Certainly not to point it at someone the way he did.

And if I was on a jury and saw this, there'd be no doubt in my mind about who was guilty and whether they were guilty. There isn't any doubt now. This was an execution. What does the officer have against this black man? Or is it that he wants to terrorize the black community? Any bets?

As to the claim that he might have "drawn his gun by accident" - there were enough police/guards there that no weapon beyond a tonfa (e.g., PR-24) was required. If he drew a gun to threaten the victim or his companions - that's excessive force, and probably should count as terrorism.

The other guards and police are complicit. They didn't arrest him, nor anything else. And he should have been arrested. Immediately.

Instead, they went around confiscating cell phones and cameras. Hmm. The guys who did the killing (all are complicit) gathering evidence about their own wrong-doing? Where did it end up? In the trash?
Burris said he had interviewed witnesses and viewed the home video of the incident and vehemently disagreed with any notion that the officer's gun accidently discharged.

"This was an intentional pulling of the trigger," he told reporters. "It was an intentional act."

"The officer leaned (in), was straddling over him and pointed his gun directly into the backside and shot (Grant)," said Burris, adding that Grant was handcuffed after he was shot. "This was not a deadly force situation."
Pretty clear. No reason to pull the gun. And, more video is obviously going to be available; you can see another videocam in use.
"It's clear it was not a use-of-deadly-force situation," said Gregory D. Lee, a retired supervisory special agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration who has testified in federal use-of-force cases. "You've got more than enough manpower there to handle these guys."

Bruce Siddle, founder of Illinois-based PPCT Management Systems, a use-of-force training and research firm, agreed with Lee's interpretation.

"If you look at the officer's body language, it's clear in my mind he didn't believe he was in a deadly force situation," he said. "He's relaxed."

Seconds before the shooting, Mehserle and another officer apparently placed Grant on his stomach to be searched or handcuffed.
I watched those videos, Bill #52. It was cold-blooded murder. One cop shot him in the back while others were restraining him to facilitate the murder. Note that the murderer’s colleagues did not arrest him on the spot, despite the obviousness of the crime. It means they agree with this atrocity; they didn’t even seem to be upset by it. This will infuriate everyone who sees it. I’m infuriated and I am not even from your country.
One officer kneeled on his neck while the other officer pulled out a gun and shot him point blank in the back. The bullet went through his back, hit the ground and bounced back up and pierced his lung, killing him. The police then ran around and terrified witnesses by taking away their cell phones and video cameras for ‘evidence’
For reasons unknown to us, the police officer pushed Grant to the ground. One officer kneeled on his neck while the other officer pulled out a gun and shot him point blank in the back. The bullet went through his back, hit the ground and bounced back up and pierced his lung, killing him. The police then ran around and terrified witnesses by taking away their cell phones and video cameras for ‘evidence’. The video which was shot by a witness named Ms Vargus and has been seen by everyone on news stations like KTVU was also going to be confiscated except her train started moving as police attempted to snatch away her camera. The cops obviously did not see the other video cameras buzzing away.

What went down this New Year’s morning is very disturbing sight and it has the entire city of Oakland on edge. Adding insult to industry is the refusal of BART police to acknowledge any wrong doing. The police chief Gary Gee says the tapes are inconclusive and he has thus far refused to even release the name of the police officer who is now on paid leave. We have also come to find out that the young men along with Oscar Grant were snatched off the train by BART police who did not know whether or not these young men were involved in any sort of altercation. In short, it could’ve been any one of us pulled off the train that night.

"The third most common cause of death on the job in 2000 was homicide, which claimed 677 workers. Fifty cops were murdered. But so were 205 salespeople. " - Forbes magazine

It's not right. The officer has resigned, claiming he's "devastated." He shot an UNARMED man, laying on the floor, in the BACK. I hate to use the word "coward" but that's the appellation used for backshooting thugs.

If it had been me doing that, I'd have been arrested immediately. But, then, I'd not have reached for a gun.

But, also, things like this, together with the history of the police force in California and elsewhere, are why I generally don't trust cops.

police brutality

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