Anger kills.

Dec 29, 2008 12:29

Anger destroys. It destroys relationships, it destroys children, it destroys families. It destroys self.

I am not speaking of anger in defense of others. I am not speaking about outrage over real and intense wrongs done. I am speaking of dysfunctional anger - anger that has no rational cause, and is expressed by actions of rage - that is, in absolute outsized proportion to the proximate "cause" of the anger.

Anger: the hidden killer:
Managing anger, controlling anger, and expressing anger do not free us from anger. After doing these things, our anger is still repressed, awaiting something that triggers our anger. Knowing the truth that makes us free frees us from anger.

Although we might get a superficial sense of release from expressing our anger, this does not free us from anger; this merely reinforces our anger.

Anger is a leading killer of love, joy, health, happiness, loving relationships, family harmony, success and prosperity. Anger is a destroyer of everything that we inherently desire ... everything that is good, lovely and fair.

Anger is associated with most illnesses and depression. Anger is the hidden cause of many deaths (including suicides), many accidents, and all violence. Also, anger is the hidden cause of many problems in sex and loving relationships. Anger is the killer of the life within us while we are alive.

Learn the truth about anger. Angry people erroneously think that other people make them angry. People and things outside ourselves do not make us angry. Triggering our repressed anger is not the same thing as causing our anger.

What troubles us, what disturbs us, what makes us angry is not what people do or say; what disturbs us and makes us angry is our reaction. We react the way we react because of the way we believe and think in our heart-because of obscure fear and deeply held false beliefs about ourselves. Thus, the solution to our anger is knowing the truth that makes us free.

Understand, that site is a religious site, promoting the gospel. And it is true that "the truth that makes us free" is a solution to anger.

Read on (same source):
Henry David Thoreau said: "It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate." This is true; however, what most troubled, unhappy, angry people do is blame others for their anger-blaming others for their unhappiness.

And note that Thoreau said, "thinks of himself." The false beliefs that cause us mental turmoil and suffering are not false religious beliefs, our beliefs about money, and so on. Although false religious beliefs can deter us from embarking on the path to truth, the false beliefs that cause us the torment of hell are the false beliefs we hold about ourselves that are contrary to our true perfection; e.g., beliefs that we are not loving, not acceptable, that we are rejects, that we do not measure up, that we are inferior, and on and on and on.

It seems that the one thing that angry people resist doing more than anything else is look within themselves for the cause - and the solution - to their anger. Rather than looking within, angry, troubled people are more likely to do such things as: consult with psychics and astrologers (which has become a multi million dollars a year business); seek the services of psychiatrists, marriage counselors; read self-help books galore; take tranquilizers and antidepressants, and on and on and on … anything except seeking within, the only place they can find the solution to their anger, discontent-all their mental and emotional suffering.

Many psychiatric patients - those who can afford it - become lifers (people who get psychiatric help for several years). All the while, the only answer that will free them from their mental turmoil and suffering is within themselves … if only they knew how to be still, commune and understand with their heart.

There is a great deal more to be said about anger, but one thing I think I want to reinforce is this: controlling anger and managing anger are not the same thing as having no anger.

I also want to reinforce that idea that false beliefs are at the root of our anger.

I do not agree with all the author says, so I can't recommend the rest of the website. But the bit about anger is very true.

Times of India: Anger destroy reason
Delusion arises from anger. The mind is
bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is
bewildered. One
falls down when reasoning
is destroyed.
Bhagavad Gita

When anger rises, think of the consequences.

He is not strong and powerful who throweth people down; but he is strong who witholdeth himself from anger.
Prophet Muhammad

I have learned through bitter experience the one supreme lesson to conserve my anger, and as heat conserved is transmitted into energy, even so our anger
controlled can be transmitted into a power that can move the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

To be angry about trifles is mean and childish;
to rage and be furious is brutish; and to maintain perpetual wrath is akin to the practice and
temper of devils; but to prevent and suppress rising resentment is wise and glorious, is manly and divine.
Alan Watts

Let it go. But, very often, you will need to dig - very deeply - into yourself to find the causes of your anger. You will probably not experience relief until you find those, because the basic source of the anger has not been found and "dealt with."

But, still... let it go. Search inside yourself, and find the roots of your anger. Forgive those who hurt you; release the anger associated with those hurts. Give it to God. Let it go.

salvation, religion, psychology

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