We don't realize it, but what we say is remembered. It really is. Whether it be a "dude you suck!" in a laughing context or "thats great." in a serious context, your words will stick with that person more than you expect.
As the incredibly cool and funny Court says, "if there were no words, people wouldn't speak and if people didn't speak the world and society would be very uninteresting. For example; if there were no words Idina wouldn't be able to sing or say the quirky little anecdotes that she does. she wouldn't be able to complain about the lack of green m&ms she desires or recite raps to a beat about her amazingly, hot and chocolatey husband. (not to be mistaken for the favorite winter treat, hot chocolate although the two do bear many resemblences) However, the world might also be a better place if there were no words, there would be no homework, oral reports, or verbal abuse. So, I will end this with a very imperitive note: do not take advantage of words, express yourself and impact others with the things you say. and now i will put my words to good use *ahem* MARISA IS THE COOLEST PERSON EVER AND WILL NOT, I REPEAT WILL NOT ALLOW HER LOVE ANTHONY RAPP TO MARRY AN OOOMPA LOOMPA AND INSTEAD USE HER WORDS TO STOP THIS FROM OCCURRING. amenn" . SO motivating Court, really.
But really, your words do impact people without you even realizing it. Things you let slip or things you forget you say can hurt a person or make them smile for hours after they do. Today,in art, I was really not loving a drawing I did of a raccoon. I said, "Joe, I cannot color." and he looked me in the eye and said, "That's coming from the girl that sold a beautiful landscape? you can color, you just arent confident." The way he said it... well, I just wanted to run over and hug him. I don;t think he realized it, but he kinda restored a bit of faith I didn't have in myself. I gave up on it, ready to throw it out, but Joe rescued it and gave me the words I needed to turn that into a nicely colored raccoon. Thanks, Joe. Joe dishes out compliments all the time, since he's a teacher, and probably doesnt even realize that he made me smile for hours after art.
Yesterday, I was talking to my roleplay buddy Reese (HULLO REESE) and we were discussing Alexi Darling and how to include her in more plots. Reese said something like, "You play her so well!" and I dont think she realized it but I really took that to heart. It really made my day. And still has, days later. Thanks, Reese, if you're reading this! And to Sam, who replied "Syphillis." when I asked why one of our teachers was absent. That was like 4 days ago and I'm still cracking up about it.
Words can negitively effect you too. I can think of a hundred encounters where little things people say without realizing it hurt me. I'm not going to mention recent names or anything, or any recent times, I'm just going to say that watch your words.
Actually, I do have a specific time for you. I was 4 years old and my mom yelled, "YOU'RE THE WORST KID IN THE WORLD!" Dont ask why, but I remember everything about it. Where she was standing, how I cried, what color everything was, ... i have a photographic memory, so i see things like that. i sorta...take a picture in my mind, if that makes any sense. I'll never forget that, Mom. Thanks. I know I'm the WORST kid out of 436735748485685. Thats why I cut and do drugs and skip class and be emo and hate myself and throw up and punch people. joking, joking mommy. but its a true story. I remind her of that CONSTANTLY, and I think she feels pretty bad haha.
In Kindergarden, my "bff4l!!!!" Nicole DaVane thought I was copying her by going to play paint. There were only 4 groups left, so I went to go there and paint. I didnt even realize she was there! I wasnt copying her, I just wanted to paint, dammit! She said, "stop copying me." or something, and walked away. Again, one of those photographs in my head. I remember everything, really. WHAT NOWWW, NICOLE!? LICK MAH BALLZ! One day i'll be a famous painter artist, and you'll be wanting me to sign my work and i'll say, "STOP COPYING ME NICOLE!". Yes. It will happen. You and your stupid mother that whistles when the light turns from red to green, umm wtf?! hehe.
See how weird it is? People do remember what you say, they really do. I find it hard biting my tongue, but I try. I think of what I'm going to say and if i really mean that or not. Or at least thats what I try to do. Words seriously do effect someone else though, so...yeah. I'm not feeling too poetic tonight, but think about what you say because you never know when you'll say something you dont mean and someone will remember that forever. Maybe it'll even be the other way around.
In other news....
Rent the Musical This or That Quiz
Maureen or Joanne?: MAUREEN!!!!
Collins or Angel?: Collins? Eh, either.
Roger or Mimi?: Mimi
Mark or Benny?: Mark
Mark or Roger?: Mark
Collins or Benny?: Benny. Or...eh!
Angel or Mimi?: Mimi!
Mimi or Maureen?: Mo, Fo sho.
Angel or Mark?: Markie.
Alexi or Paul?: Alexi
Alexi or Mrs. Cohen?: Mrs. Cohen
The Tune Ups or Happy New Year?: No decisions!
You'll See or Your Eyes?: You'll See
What You Own or Take Me Or Leave Me?: tmolm
Will I or Life Support: Will I.
Santa Fe or Christmas Bells?: Christmas Bells!
I Should Tell You or Contact?: Contact....
Another Day or Goodbye Love?: Goodbye love.
Today 4 U or Tango Maureen?: Tango: Maureen
I'll Cover You or Without You?: I'll Cover You
La Vie Boheme or Over the Moon?: both.
Light my Candle or Out Tonight?: Out Tonight but both.
One Song Glory or Halloween?: One Song Glory
Seasons of Love or Rent?: Rent.
I WAS going to post myself singing, but I decided not to. Instead, here's Tinkahbell! I dont care if people say my art sucks anymore because im not as insecure about it.
if you really love me, you'd go to my deviantart and see my better, small version of it. maybe i will post my singing later....maybe not! Oh, I am SO LOVING the new MM/P!ATD/Fiona mix for Nightmare! (it tookj me at least 7 tries to type Fiona. Make that 9.}
well, i think thats all. hope you guys hanging out are havin fun! :]