Oct 21, 2006 23:00
From now on, I think my hate lists will have themes. Like songs, things, ect. This one is things people steal that piss me off.
Thou Shalt Not Steal ...
Stealing stuff is rude in general. It's just rude and obnoxious. I can understand needing to write something and grabbing someones pen and being like "Thanks Jen!" but giving it right back, but if you just take something that is totally disrespectful and just extremely rude.
PENny lane is in my ears...
If you steal my pencil or pen, I'll shove my pen down your throat. Seriously, take this as a warning, never steal a drawing untensil from an artist. Just don't. We hate it. In fact, everyone hates it. It's my pen, i paid for it, get your own. "but marisa, its just a pen!" "but fuckface, it's just SHUTTING YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" Notice how the students without pencils are the ones who usually fail.
Ipods, youpods, we all scream about ipods / cell it
Do not take my ipod and start listening to it. Even though mine is a schuffle that I got for free (Thanks Anthony, Happy birthday! lovee) it still isn't okay. I feel like my music is kind of personal, and I never lend anyone my ipod except close friends or people that listen to it with me. If you want to take an ear phone and I'll have the other, that's fine. But a certain person that will remain nameless even though they dont read this journal has the habit of always taking it. I'm starting to hate that person and thats a big problem. Anyway, Dont take my ipod. That is like the number one thing that pisses me off.
It's just a joke!
Taking an original joke from me just pisses me off, I'm sorry it really does. If I'm clever enough to make it up, dont be whoring it around like you did. I'm not a very funny person, and when I do like a joke I made up, it's mine. Not yours. Just no.
Catch Phrase!
I understand if someone uses a word often and it eventually just grows on you, but not if you just take it because you like it. Example. In 4th grade, Angel used the word 'Shanayney'. Nicole started saying it because Angel said it, and Angle got really annoyed with her. It was Angels word, and even though it sounds really 4th grade and immature (coincidence?) Angel got annoyed. I see her point though. If someone starts saying what I say, it annoys me too.
Donde estas tu libro?
If someone steals my binder, I will attack you. I hate when people take my books. Adam runs around with them and it is so annoying. I could smash a wall thinking about that kid, I can't wait for the day maturity and puebrty come crashing full force on that shrimp. Because he desperately needs it. I hope it slaps him too. STOP STEALING MY FUCKING BOOKS GODDAMNIT I KNOW YOU FUCKIG LIKE ME BUT IM NOT GOING TO LIEK YOU IF YOU FUCKING TAKE MY BOOK AND THROW IT! YOURE SO FUCKING ANNOYING YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT! alright, I apologize, that turned into an 'I hate Adam' vent. Not Adam Pascal. Seriousfuckinly not!!
Work to do at home
Steal my homework, you die. I'm very obsessive about letting people copy my homework. I'll tell you the answers, but I wont let you take it and copy. It just seriously bothers me. One person, on several occasions, had the nerve to actually open my folder and take my homework out and copy. Are you kidding me? She didnt even ask me either, fucking idiot. Thats another rant though.
This one isnt really too amusing, just had to get it out. Maybe it's just an only child thing, but I really despise when people take my stuff. Especially...a few....certain....people....*gags*. It just bothers me to no end.
In other words, my tea is getting cold, and that sucks. Also too many clams made me cranky, though I have not eaten any clams. Today I had a bag of M&Ms with NO GREEN ONES. Ironic, mucho! IDINA WOULD BE SO PROUD. How weird is it that Erica knows Sammie Breslin! It's very weird, Marisa. Stop talking to yourself.
Tomorrow, I'll be with Blair again, then homework, then the weekend.
I want your feedback on this people,
should there be another hour between 4 and 5?
yeah, i know im weird, but it just feels like there should be. like the time from 3 to 5 passes way too quickly. Maybe because I'm home and doing homework and online but I just really feel that way. Or am I on crack? You're on crack, Marisa, you typo making, cold tea drinking, weird ugly whore.
Someone is in a bad mood tonight. *points to self.*