Nov 04, 2002 15:29
I have been hearing a lot of stuff about myself latley that even i didn't know!
So many people have been making stuff up about me! And now everyone thinks im a dick, well they all did anywa. I mean anyone who knows me knows i really couldnt give a shit what people thnk about me, im not here to impress anyone!
But its jus really bad becasue i have suddenyl realised how bad it has got! I jus kinda what to clear something up. If anyone has qeustions about things they have heard about me then ask me don't spread lies about me around. Also if you can b arsed ythen actually get to know me. I know nobody will bother becasue its cool to hate me, because of my band and lies that people have said about me. But try it, and i think alot of people will b suprised about who i realy am!
Last thing...
I'm going round Kat's house for the 1st time as her Boyfriend and im actually cacking my pants!!
We saw her bro (my former best mate) when i walked her back home last ngiht and he seemed reall cool with her and I together wich made me feel realy happy!
Updating again soon,