
Feb 16, 2007 00:38

Ok I haven't updaed for a while.  I've been muchly busy with uni work and stuff.
Last Monday our performance tutor told us we were behind the other groups - which to be honest I kinda knew.  But since then we've completed 5 scenes!  Go us!  One person in the group is annoying everyone else and it's becoming stupid now. 
The performance will be fine *touch wood*.   My lecturer for friday has just cancelled the next 2 lectures/seminars.  Which sucks because i actually like them - but yay I may get to work on time on the next 2 fridays.  But does mean our pointless presentations are cancelled.

Dennis won 26 care bears on ebay - how cool.  unfortunatly it's collect only - in Oldham/Manchester.  So we're having to go up to manchester and collect them and crash with my friend Susan.  Which should be interesting.  The wk end before that we're going to see Hot Fuzz - cos no-one else it seems wants to go see it.  Simon Pegg *drools*

Work was so annoying - cos our team moved where we were sitting last friday.  They sent the email out on the thursday that we were moving the next day (i don't work thursdays) so i got in late friday - bloody busses - to discover no-one was where our team usually sit, and popped my head round the corner and was told we're the other side of the office.  fun.  so got my folder and went walkies.   That was only slightly annoying - plus I was fairly wet form waiting for busses for ages in the rain.  So was a little grumpy for an hour at work.

Pastorate tonight and last thursday were reall cool.  looking at te Bible and how we can understand it easier and stuff.  really usefull stuff.  Plus tonight we got a call from Dan, who was one of the leaders but has been in New Zealand since sept traveling, hopefully back in july.  Was really cool hearing from him.  
Unfortunatl Mark was back at tonight after being on holiday - and he just slipped back into his "lets pick on Ruthie" thing he has.  As we stood up to star worship Mark said he felt tall (being over a foot taller than me) and Matt lookedover and just said "you go up to his nipples" and which we all just burst into fits of laughter and Mark says "I prefer the term man boobs" lol!  Oh it took a good minute to stop laughing.  Oh we really shouldn't sit/stand together at pastorate!

Missed the Britts cos I was at work - but heard on the radio the results.  Am happy with ove half the results.  they must berunning out of decent bands if the're giving Oasis the life time achievment award - I really cant stand them!!!!  Muse won best live act!!  *Bounces*   They so deserve it!  Saw afew of the performances of progs after  - Scissor Sisters - I Love Them!!  And Snow Patrol.

We've got an Xbox in the flat now - so we're playing Halo 24/7 it seems lol - killing aliens is so fun :D

church, uni, life

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