I figured you out

May 10, 2004 22:37

good ruthanne. good for you for having a somewhat productive day.
i finished a lot of my homework, cleaned my room, helped a friend, did some laundry, and ate a yummy salad for dinner. it was seriously the best salad i have ever had. ooh man was it good. okay moving on, i am really annoyed that someone got on my screen name and talked to people. ugghh they didn't even say anything bad but i am so irritated by that, i really want to know who it is. it had to be someone that i am friends with, or sort of friends with. well whatever, not a big deal, it just bothered me. thanks for the new password idea kristin, haha. what brings the most joy to my life at the moment is knowing that i only have 8 days of geometery left. that just excites me beyond belief. AND no working this weekend except for a little on friday, and i am ungrounded! looking forward to it.
as far as that guy goes...today made me feel a lot better for some reason. it was just last night that i was upset about it all, but then...i came home from school today and took a little 20 minute nap(i hate little naps, when you are asleep for only a few sweet minutes and then you get woken up by the phone ringing or the cat sitting on you or something) and i had a dream that it was summer and we were at zilker park, and we were sitting under a tree eating snobeach, and i was happy and we were happy together and there was no fighting or drama. and that's the way i want it to be. because i think i really need you as a friend. so for once i am happy with that, and i really hope this feeling lasts.

"crushing quiet
crawls in through your window
from someone who wants you
but you'll never know
i'll pick up around you
clear everything out
leave you where i found you
i figured you out"
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