Whoop whoop, spending Friday at a friends methinks after going to the cinema, there shall be three of us and it will be the first time I have left the house in a while cause of stupid study, BLAHHHH! I don't care about MRI or CT scans or axon hillocks or primary and secondary antibodies, but I guess I kinda do cause I need to pass these exams to be free, wow, freedom.
Been downloading a lot of music, got Aphex Twin for Friday, very chill, perfect for the kind of evening it will be, hopefully, I love being able to have only a few friends but there is no drama attached and stuff can stay private and that's cool with them too.
Blaaaaah, too serious, this should lighten the mood considerably, I feel like Charlie sometimes, in a world full of pain in the ass unicorns that are too freaking cheery all the time
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