Apr 09, 2006 03:27
Party report.
Almost a success. I'm glad people came. I had a good bit of fun... for a while.
But I am forever convinced that all my personal party endeavors will be cursed. I will never again have a birthday party. I once again left the party worse than I did coming into it, and a birthday party, especially your own, should not leave you feeling like that.
Why? Pierre. Pure and simple. I've decided that Pierre is my "nemesis," so to speak. The one force in the universe that is equal and opposite to you and does anything to destroy your happiness. I mean, it's not that he means to. But I'm sorry to say I ever invited him to live with us.
Poker was fun... until Pierre sat down at the table. Pierre never paid to play cards, why should he be allowed to comment on them? Pierre is an asshole. It's his nature. He can't turn it off. Am I not allowed to hate him for this? Oh. Too bad, I do. (By the way, when we came home around nine to start the party, Pierre was playing Final Fantasy X on *my* big screen on *my* PS2. I asked if he would be done soon and he said he was almost halfway through the game, because he's a smartass.) Meanwhile, people are funneling into the party slowly but surely. Pierre, however, showed no signs of stopping. AN HOUR LATER, I asked him to get off so we could start setting something else up, and he finally agreed. People behind him were playing a fighting game on the tiny screen I dragged downstairs from my room, huddled around it like a fire in a hiking camp in Alaska, waiting for some sign of rescue. On Pierre's birthday, I stayed away from the downstairs TV. Both on his birthday, and on the day of his party, because I wasn't going to interrupt his gaming. It's his birthday, let him do what he wants. I didn't really expect the same thing from him, I didn't expect him to reciprocate. Nah. It's common courtesy. That's expecting too much from him.
You know, I didn't want a birthday party. I didn't want to have one from the start, but people said I should. The Gaineville guys said it'd be a good excuse to finally come up because I had been kinda disappointed in them before in not reciprocating our visits. I already told you how I psyched myself up for this. I wanted this more for my friends than I did, but I still feel like, on my birthday, I deserve something, you know? Respect. Ah, yes. So watching Eyal and my girlfriend get bullied by Josh and Pierre during my own damn birthday party was the low point of my party. Also, the end of it. Sure, there was some fun in there. But because of the tension in this apartment, I was not a happy drinker. I was a hostile drinker. Not punching anyone, but I was yelling at people. I don't like to do that. I wasn't yelling at the people I wanted to yell at, but they were there. They live with me. I want out of this apartment, and I want out of this country. JET can't come soon enough. 1021 can burn.
Thanks to Yoko, Jason, Becky, Deric, Andy, Hodge, Jake, Eyal, Josh, and Matt Allen and Matt Canada.