Bird news and hodge podge

Sep 14, 2009 14:07

Frustrated IT techs in South Africa prove their point with an information-transfer stunt using a pigeon named Winston. I love the photo on the same page, a beautiful shot of a pigeon flying over New York City. (And speaking of pigeons, have I ever done my post about hero pigeons in WWI and WWII?)

Frustrated vineyard owners turn to falcons to scare away starlings. I was interested, but not surprised, to learn how long it takes to become a master falconer.

Pestival: "Celebrating insects in art and the art of being an insect." As a fan of natural decay and a fan of books, I thought this exhibit was pretty interesting. I'm not sure I could bring myself to sacrifice a book that way for art... though maybe it would depend on the book. Are there any books you wouldn't mind burying in the name of art? (Or for any reason at all?)

And books lead me to grammar: Battlestar Grammatica to be exact.


I did my Tornado Safety lesson this morning, making sure to warn the nearby teachers so they wouldn't be startled by the demonstration of a tornado siren. The audio file I have embedded in my presentation is very realistic, and when I play it, there are always several students who start shifting in their chairs and glancing at one another uneasily. Not because they're afraid of tornadoes, but because to them, in a very visceral way, that sound means "air raid."

birds, agriculture, bugs, books, teaching

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