
Dec 20, 2008 00:21

Wrong on so many levels
I can only hope this product doesn't end up in the Christmas stocking of anyone I know. Unless it's a joke and they never, ever intend to use it.

"the scent of seduction with a hint of flame-broiled meat"

Fortunately, my Flash player can't be updated, so I don't have to be traumatized by whatever is on that site. Because if it's that puppet-headed king character... ::shudders::

I don't normally enjoy The Now Show as much as the BBC News Quiz (ILU Sandi Toksvig!), but their list this week of things Madonna will miss about Britain was very funny, including "Morris dancing: least stealthy of the world's martial arts."

They also had on comedienne Holly Walsh, who I decided sounds exactly like Sophie Aldred. So of course I was imagining Ace McShane giving the stand-up segment about Christmas.

We have weather with ADD, too
When I got to my apartment Wednesday, it was 52 degrees inside. My 8-inch ceramic space heater wasn't doing any good unless I sat on the floor right on top of it, so I eventually caved and turned on the central heat--and immediately remembered why I never do that. It smells, and then I have to open the windows to clear the air, which just makes it cold again. And don't be too jealous, snowbound Northern friends, but after ice Monday and Tuesday and cold fog Wednesday and Thursday, this morning it was 65 degrees outside, 70 by the end of the day. No wonder I woke up sweating, it was like spring. Bleh.

I ♥ my friends
Thank you to elspethsheir, edhed, rocknrollgidget and astrablue for the holiday cards (and pretty stamps and pictures and parody stories...)! I will reluctantly take down last year's cards, but happily put these up. :)

olfactory distress, friends, weather, radio

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