(no subject)

Oct 23, 2005 17:50

Six weeks post, there are still about 29,000 Katrina evacuees who are in camps, shelters and motel and hotel rooms in the state. Less than a thousand of those are actually in the camps and shelters. Only one of the church camps has heat. Apparently everyone who wanted permanent housing here has been permanently housed, whatever that means (I suspect a lot of apartments and trailers), so the people remaining are those who want to go home to the Gulf Coast, but can't yet because there's nowhere to live and/or no job to go to.

I know I said something like this before, but I look at Pakistan now, and while I know it's probably not much comfort to the folks who are still basically homeless and don't know where they're going to go, I'm grateful we at least have enough solid roofs and walls for people now. Two hundred thousand tents, man. That's a lot of tents to be needing. And they have to keep out snow.

It has gotten cold here in the past two days, maybe even down into the thirties tonight. That's decent for October, but seeing as it was in the nineties all last week, it feels especially wintery. Clouds, wind. Cat in lap. It's nice. I'll be harvesting herbs tonight: mint, sage, basil, and oregano. My parsley, which sprouted in March, got about an inch high, and did absolutely nothing all summer (includig die), has just started growing. Maybe the kale will take catch a clue from the parsley.

ETA: The Weather Channel -

Key West, FL

Except good old Mike Seidel is doing a little more than watching. He's sopping wet and he has almost been blown over a couple of times. (And he has "an illuminated stick" around his neck "so [they] always know where he is"!) The Weather Channel just couldn't think of anything other alliterative "W" words.

Anchor woman: ...he's kneeling down there, I hope he's okay. He's probably just catching his breath...

I hope my students are okay. I couldn't convince them it was a bad idea to drive to Florida this weekend.


garden, katrina

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