Tuesday, a photo by
Little Dog Laughed on Flickr.
I did take Memphis to class tonight, and to my surprise the trainer pulled me aside at one point and asked if I was planning to show him (compete in Obedience). She thinks he's a really good dog. I actually am not planning on doing competitive obedience, but I do think
Rally would be fun, and we need to get all these Sub-Novice skills down for that. I've been surprised at how much fun obedience class can be. To keep Memphis focused on me and not bored, I have to use my "OMG ISN'T THIS SUPER FUN?" voice, which even when I'm not feeling great, somehow forces my brain to think otherwise, so that's a neat trick.
The photo I'm posting is unrelated except for the fact that I had Memphis with me when I took it. It was a nice day at the River and I wanted to remember it, including this sycamore tree with 3 feet of soil washed out from under its roots, forming an arch.