Ha. The latest on the Rusty Family iPhone Acquisitions of 2010: Chuck, who used to work in the electronics department in RustyTown where all phone contracts are done, checked for us today. She learned that my mom is due for an upgrade now, I am due for an upgrade in September, and my dad isn't due for an upgrade until next February. So, since the phones are only ("only"?) $99 with an upgrade as opposed to $199 or $299 without, those are the dates we'll each be getting them. Happy Father's Day, Daddy! ...next February. He's like me, content with what he has now, so it's not a big deal. I've always kept my phone much longer than its first available upgrade date. Sometimes years longer, to the point that the phone company people were begging us to upgrade. It's just funny because my mom was the one who was just following the crowd, so to speak, though she did invent the crowd in the first place.
Another thing from last weekend:
the Fuzz making a new friend. (Toad might not see it that way.)
Hello, Mr. Toad. What beautiful bronze eyes you have.
Thinking about it
Can't be bothered
I knight you Sir Hoppy of Toadonia