
Jan 16, 2008 15:35

I'm goofing off, can you tell?

TV meme, gakked from shipperx )


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Comments 12

bubonicplague January 16 2008, 20:50:46 UTC
I wanna do Colbert the character, for serious.

I also wanna be really mean and make you do that meme with regard to Torchwood. Still, though, did you see the Jack/Jack episode? It really actually was pretty awesome.


rusty_halo January 16 2008, 21:28:12 UTC
I wanna do Colbert the character, for serious.

I dunno, he'd be all about himself. And then he'd probably cry.

Heh, the meme in regard to Torchwood. I might do it once I finish the first season. Right now, my favorite character is the Doctor's disembodied hand. Because the Doctor's got more intelligence in one hand than the entire Torchwood team put together.

I haven't seen the Jack/Jack episode, but I'm kind of (cautiously) looking forward to it, since everyone's been telling me it's worthwhile.


bubonicplague January 16 2008, 21:31:27 UTC
Heh yes, exactly! I am certain he would cry. That would be awesome.

Honestly I have only seen the first handful of TW episodes and the Jack/Jack ep. I quit watching because of the former and decided that maybe the show could come together with the latter. I still won't be downloading until one seems specifically recommended, but I was very, very impressed, and I'm not much into slash (as we all know.)


10zlaine January 17 2008, 03:31:25 UTC
G'hed, even though I have an idea of some of the answers, do the meme for ASoIAF.


I can't count rusty_halo January 17 2008, 16:21:33 UTC
Oooh, nifty, okay.

1. The first character I fell in love with:

Probably Arya. I loved her innate rejection all the stupid gender role nonsense.

I had a lot of sympathy for Rheagar and Daenerys right from the beginning, too.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:

I never thought I'd love Jaime, even though I started the series because everyone told me I would. I just couldn't fathom that I'd ever find him likable. And, of course, I totally adore him now.

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:

Jon. He's completely boring.

4. The character I love that everyone else hates:

I guess Jaime? He seems to be a very love/hate character, depending which part of fandom you're in. Lots of people hate Dany, too; I don't love her, but I like her a lot ( ... )


10zlaine January 17 2008, 19:41:49 UTC
Even the creepy ones are usually creepy in a good way. I'll say Ned/Cat because I can't stand either of them and the idea of their sex life makes me cringe

LOL! Yeah, her description of how sort of somber he was on their wedding night, and how she didn't love him but knew she would grow to do so...and...well, picturing that and...ugh and blech.


rusty_halo January 17 2008, 16:23:06 UTC
[continued from above]

15. What are your five favorite pairings?

Jaime/Brienne, for the sweet doomed-ness
Jaime/Cersei, for the complete fucked-up-ness
Jaime/Loras, because Jaime sees his younger self in Loras and wants to help him to not make the same mistakes
Renly/Loras, because Loras is so young and innocent, and Renly's not evil, just naive
Sandor/Sansa, 'cause, okay, it's kind Beauty and the Beast sweet ( ... )


aea January 17 2008, 17:22:30 UTC
*Cartoons and Charles in Charge (which was kinda like a cartoon, right? Buddy Lembeck. We had no taste).
*Fox Mulder- gah, yes.
*You did used to like Veronica on VM, yes? Before the smugness and 'do as I say not as I do'?

Second meme-
The Lost Boys?


rusty_halo January 17 2008, 17:56:25 UTC
I forgot to mention Duck Tales! Then it would've all been cartoons. My mom only let me watch kid shows as a kid; I wasn't even allowed to watch PG-13 movies until I was thirteen.

I had some kind of peculiar fondness for Charles in Charge. I used to watch it in re-runs after school when I was ten (along with Saved by the Bell and Full House, but I never actually liked those). There was some episode where Buddy was almost killed by a hummingbird that I thought was the funniest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

I LOVED season one Veronica. There are probably posts back in my LJ about how Veronica is the perfect antidote to Buffy; realistic, three-dimensional, open-minded, genuinely compassionate, not afraid to use her brains, and not obsessed with being "normal" over anything else. And then season two happened. :(

Lost Boys! Okay ( ... )


aea January 17 2008, 18:43:03 UTC
I was going to respond in order, but when I saw you ship David/Michael I had to start there. So. Hot. I wish there were more slash fic for TLB. Those boys were mighty purdy back in the day.

*Season one of VM was perfect. It probably should have ended there, a one season, serialized mystery.

*Jason Patric was gorgeous in the 80s. I love when he goes to attack his brother and is all snarly. I remember my sister went to see the movie just for him. I was too young to go with her. :(
*Agreed about Kiefer Sutherland. The man has no lips. Very hot in TLB, though.
*I don't think the 80s would have been the same without the Coreys.
*Yes to your reasons for loving the film. I still can't believe how young the actors were then- Kiefer and Jason were about 19 or 20.
*I've read arguments that it's a movie that rejects subculture in favor of the traditional family and the status quo, but I think this is subverted by the fact that the ultimate villain is the perfect 50s TV dad trying to claim patriarchal authority. You don't remember where you ( ... )


rusty_halo January 17 2008, 19:01:47 UTC
I wish there were more slash fic for TLB.

People write fic about anything else? Seriously, I assumed that's all there was to Lost Boys fandom. I barely knew what homosexuality was when I was eleven, and even I saw the slashy subtext. David's echoing voice going "Michael... Michael... be one of us..."? The way he looked at him? David wanted to eat Michael alive, and not just in the vampire way.

You don't remember where you read this, do you? I like your argument.

I took a class on vampire films in college (NYC, Tisch Cinema Studies) and when we got to the 80s teen portion of the class, the professor threw a bitch fit about how awful Lost Boys is and now Near Dark is far superior. So we watched Near Dark in class and I nearly fell asleep (although now that I know it's got Adrian Pasdar I'm going to have to go back and re-watch it). That's what pissed me off and inspired me to write the paper defending it, because he acted like there was only one completely obvious interpretation that Lost Boys is just mainstream status-quo ( ... )


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