
Jan 16, 2008 15:35

I'm goofing off, can you tell?

I am completely breaking the rule of fives on this thing. Not even trying.

Back in the Day: 5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid

* Thundercats
* Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
* Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
* Inspector Gadget
* Charles in Charge (when I was a bit older)

Who Would You Do?: 5 TV Characters You Would...Well, It's Self-Explanatory

* The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
* The Master (played by John Simm) (Doctor Who)
* Sam Tyler (also played by John Simm, but totally different) (Life on Mars)
* Methos (Highlander)
* Jim Profit (Profit)
* Richard Sharpe (Sharpe)
* Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
* Stephen Colbert (although, more the performer than the character) (The Colbert Report)

What? No, No, I Don't Watch That...: 5 Guilty Pleasure TV Shows

* Renegade (about 15 years ago)
* Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (about 15 years ago, until even I got too horrified to watch)
* The A-Team. Knight Rider. These are all things that I killed time with on Saturday afternoons when I was ten.
* The first few seasons of Highlander, before Methos showed up and made it actually good
* I'd say Beavis and Butt-Head, but I actually think it's an awesome show. No guilt there.
* I'd say Torchwood, but it's not even a pleasure, just a waste of time. I don't think I feel guilty about anything I watch these days.

Wow: 5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won't Forget)
(Conclusion: 90% of my favorite moments are scenes of people having breakdowns. Hmmm.)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
* Buffy killing Angel to save the world at the end of season two. Back when I had sympathy for her and thought it was awful. And then she came back and her friends were such assholes that I hated them all and stopped watching the show.
* Spike breaking down at the end of "The Gift."

Doctor Who
* The Master dying in the Doctor's arms, and the Doctor breaking down and sobbing over his handcuffed corpse (!!!)
* Rose in tears on the beach, and the Doctor running out of time before he can say he loves her.

*The "jimmy scene," in which Methos and Duncan have their big tearful breakup just because Methos killed a bunch of people once. The corresponding shock that Methos had once been a villain, and the wonderful realization that it made sense and was completely in character for a character I loved.
* The scene where Methos finally takes a stand and fights Silas. The look in Duncan's eyes when he realizes what Methos has done. Duncan begging Cassandra for Methos' life. Methos breaking down. God, the whole thing.
* Methos chopping that bitch Kristen's head off. The whole smug moral universe of Highlander, shattered.
* The scene where it was strongly implied that Methos was sleeping with Lord Byron. It was a terrible episode and I can't remember much about it, but I loved that.

The X-Files
* Mulder shrieking like a little girl. The first time I saw "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'" I was hysterical with delight.
* The roach crawling on the inside of the TV screen. Ewww!!!!
* That incestuous crippled mother kept under the bed on a board that rolls out in "Home." Pretty much the entirety of "Home," actually.
* Krycek's eyes going black from the alien oil stuff. And him looking so hot.

* Profit climbing into that cardboard box and curling up to go to sleep.

South Park
* Cartman tricking Scott Tenorman into eating his own parents. And then Radiohead walking by and laughing. And Cartman licking the tears off of his face.

Beavis and Butt-Head
* Beavis getting hypnotized by the saw and purposely cutting his finger off. I love Beavis.

The Original "The Jon Stewart Show"
* This is an obscure one, but the second-to-last episode of this hour-long talk show, which aired for a season in 1994-1995, was the most surreal thing I've ever seen. First there was a Willy Wonka parody sketch in which Jon was Charlie, except instead of chocolate it was meat. They went to the "Magical Meat Factory" and swam in the river of blood. And there were animal corpses everywhere. It's part of why I went vegan.

Then they did an interview with some woman who played a vampire (they talked about drinking chocolate syrup made up to look like blood) and then Marilyn Manson performed and lit the stage on fire during "Lunchbox" (he actually lit a lunchbox on fire but it accidentally spread to the stage). Jon ran over to stamp it out and Manson tried to climb on top of him while Twiggy, in drag, molested him from behind.

They went to commercial break, then Jon brought out some green young actor who was so riled up by Manson that he immediately grabbed his coffee cup and smashed it onto the table, cutting his hand open on a shard. He spent the entire interview *bleeding* while Jon attempted to administer first aid.

And then Manson performed again at the end, despite the fact that they'd molested Jon and lit the stage on fire earlier in the evening.

"Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs": 5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart

Umm.... I can remember most of the words to the 80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme....

Eh: 5 Shows You Just Can't Get Into
* Any reality television ever.
* Supernatural, not that I tried very hard. The first episode reeked of misogyny.
* Torchwood. God, it's awful.

The Starting Line-Up: 5 Channels You Go To First When You Sit Down to Watch TV
Comedy Central
BBC America
VH1 Classics
... then I just scan the programming, with eyes out for Fox, TBS, and the premium channels my roommate ordered

This Is An Environment of Welcoming, and You Should Just Get the Hell Out: 5 TV Characters You Could Do Without

* Buffy. Oh my god I fucking hate her. And Xander. And Dawn. I could go on.
* Martha. She's so boring! What the hell do you people see in her? She starts out superawesomeperfect and the conclusion of her story is that she's even MORE superawesomeperfect! What the hell kind of story is that?
* Every single character on Veronica Mars, except Logan. Especially Veronica.
* Every single character in Torchwood. Special notice to Owen.

That's What She Said: Quotes That Still Resonate

"Say my name." "Master" (Doctor Who, "Utopia")
"I like it when you say my name." and "Are you asking me out on a date?" (Doctor Who, "The Sound of Drums")

The Master and the Doctor are the HOTTEST THING EVER.

"I win." (Doctor Who, "Last of the Time Lords") Really, that whole scene. I love them.

"You don't have a soul. There is nothing good or clean in you. I could never be your girl." (Buffy, "Dead Things") GOD I FUCKING HATE HER. This quote sums up pretty much the entirety of the bad taste left in my mouth by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and totally cancels out all the good quotes I would've otherwise remembered.

Methos' entire jimmy scene speech (Highlander, "Comes a Horseman"): "I killed. But I didn't just kill fifty, I didn't kill a hundred. I killed a thousand. I killed ten thousand. And I was good at it. And it wasn't for vengeance. It wasn't for greed. It was because - I liked it. Cassandra was nothing. Her village was nothing. Do you know who I was? I was Death.

Death - Death on a horse. When mothers warned their children that the monster would get them, that monster was me. I was the nightmare that kept them awake at night. Is that what you want to hear? The answer is yes, oh yes." I LOVE HIM.

"You don't know anything about me." (Highlander, "Revelation 6:8") Methos to Silas, as he finally chooses a side. *loves more* And then, later, "I killed Silas. I liked Silas." Oh, Methos, I love you so much. No easy moral choices for you.

"A man who was born long before the Age of Chivalry." (Highlander, "Chivalry") METHOS HAS THE BEST QUOTES.

"Dude, I think it might be best for us to never piss Cartman off again." Hee. (South Park, "Scott Tenorman must die")

Gimme More: 5 Shows You Can Never Get Enough Of

Erm, that I haven't already mentioned in this meme? I don't think I like that many shows. Ooh, I didn't mention La Femme Nikita. I used to like that. One day I'll actually see it all. And Futurama. I like Futurama. Oh, and somehow I didn't mention The Daily Show.

And another meme, gakked from viciouswishes.

Name a fandom I'm into and I will tell you:

1. The first character I fell in love with:
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't:
4. The character I love that everyone else hates:
5. The character I would shag anytime:
6. The character I'd want to be like:
7. The character I'd slap:
8. A pairing that I love:
9. A pairing that I despise:
10. Favorite character:
11. What are your five favorite things about your fandom?
12. What are your five least favorite things about your fandom?
13. Who are your five favorite characters?
14. Who are your five least favorite characters?
15. What are your five favorite pairings?
16. What are your five least favorite pairings?
17. Which character are you most like?
18. What is your deep, dark fandom secret?

[Cross-posted to InsaneJournal]


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