(no subject)

May 14, 2006 13:35

Hey, today's mother's day in case anyone forgot...

Which also means it's Langly's birthday! He's 7. Happy Birthday Langly! =^_^=

In other news, my kitten Jeffie likes to try to eat people which, for me, usually consists of him biting me and trying to suck on me in my sleep (and when I'm awake, but you get the point...). Usually it wakes me up and I make him stop, but I guess I slept through it last night and now I have little tiny hickies all over me. I feel like a dirty whore.

I also seem to be depressed again. Hooray. Thank you, incessant nightmares. You're a blast. Isn't constantly digging up issues in therapy great? Oh, but I forgot, this therapy stuff is a ridiculous waste of time and there's really nothing wrong with me... I'm obviously just digging for attention and killing time so I don't have to get a job because I really enjoy feeling like a loser.
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