Always looking out for the underdog.

Jun 14, 2005 11:36

I know this is old hat to anyone with any depth of punk knowledge, and I'm not evenr eally all that interested in hanging bands up for things they sang nearly 20 years ago. What this brought to mind for me, however, is that the sudden appearance of punk into the mainstream of late has meant that these bands are being covered by people with no background that would enable them to challenge the sort of self-congratulatory nonsense typified by Miret here....too bad.

Mainstream Philly entertainment paper, June 2005:

'So is Agnostic Front. The band, which has been a constant for a generation continues to crank out discs, deliver incendiary live performances and wave the flag for the underdog. ...

Miret, who was born in Cuba and raised in Union City, N.J., rants about social injustice, the need for rebellion and brotherhood. The group is touring behind its latest potent disc “Another Voice.” The album comprises provocative, politically charged tracks. Miret’s screams over the anthemic tracks with familiar intensity.

“I’m just doing my job,” Miret said. “I’m pointing out social injustice. The words are so important to us. It’s sad that lyrics aren’t the focal point like they once were. Now it seems like every band just wants to be loud and heavy. It’s a lot different today than it once was.” '

Agnostic Front "Cause for alarm" LP (1986):

"Public Assistance"

You spend your life on welfare lines
Or looking for handouts
Why don't you go find a job
You birth more kids to up your checks
So you can buy more drugs
Cash in food stamps and get drunk

Uncle Sam takes half my pay
So you can live for free
I got a family and bills to pay
No one hands money to me
You can go to school for nothing
Got that government grant
Get money in advance
When you're sick from shooting up
Medicaid pays full portion
When little Maria gets knocked up
She gets a free abortion


How come it's minorities who cry
Things are too tough
On TV with their gold chains
Claim they don't have enough
I say make them clean the sewers
Don't take no resistance
If they don't like it go to hell
And cut their public assistance


Yeah, "little Maria"...charming. Of course, none of this lyrical garbage is actually half so offensive as the change in musical direction that took place on the record.
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